Tuesday 11 November 2003 9:00:28 pm
You may want to check your sockets: Create a file info.php in your document root (the directory where ezpublish index.php is) and put in it: <?php phpinfo(); ?>
Now load that up at http://localhost/info.php and scroll down to the mysql section. What does the MYSQL_SOCKET parameter have in it?
It may have a value like /tmp/mysql.sock Go to whatever directory it has (in this case /tmp/) and check to see there is a file there. If not, you need to find mysql.sock. Its probably in /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock or similar.
cd /tmp
ln /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock mysql.sock or ln -s /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock mysql.sock to create a symbolic link to whereever your sock is. This is probably similar process with postgresql. Let me know how you get on.