Tuesday 02 May 2006 1:16:56 pm
Does anyone know of a step-by-step, reliable, fix for this yet?
It's happening on the prototype site I administer (for example at http://www.exc-el.org.uk/content/index.php/main/teaching_and_learning) where IE6 users on Windows 2000 see a large blank space. Firefox, and IE6.0 on XP, work fine. It is on eZpublish V3.6.0. I'm new to eZpublish, and don't have a development background, so need the step-by-step instructions at this stage.
Tried using advice in forum, but my /public_html/content/design/standard/stylesheets/core.css doesn't contain any ref to div#innercontent. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
David davidgilmouratbtinternetdotcom