Local to web publishing

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Sylvia78 Danckaarts

Sunday 24 September 2006 7:24:43 am

Greetings from Holland !

Hi, my name is Sylvia and I just started using eZpublish. Thusfar I am very enthousiastic about eZ however I have found that I still need to learn a lot before I can actually start using it for a website.

I have installed eZ publishing locally on my system and investigated the many many options eZ has to offer. Now I have configured my website a little and want to publish it online. I understand that I need to configure my web account for this but I am too unexperienced to get it done.

Can anyone tell me how I can get my website online and what I have to do to get it done ? This probably is a very general question but if someone could give me a few pointers or anything I would be really happy with it.

best regards,


Claudia Kosny

Sunday 24 September 2006 12:48:32 pm

Hello Sylvia

before trying to use EZ on your server make sure that your server fulfills the requirements (especially with regards to the PHP version). Here is a list of the requirements:
If you are unsure, ask your provider.

EZ fortunately has only few location/server specific settings which you have to adapt - I just hope I don't forgot any... And remember to make a backup before you change anything.

In the site.ini.append.php:
- Check for the block regarding the database settings. Change the data here to the data of your online server (usually servername, databasename, user and password)
- In the block sitesettings change the setting for siteurl to the new url
- If you use hostmatching you need to change the settings for that as well
- You might also need to change some emails in the block mailsettings.

Do this for all your site accesses (usually one for the user site and one for the admin site and maybe one override)

In the settings/override/image.ini.append.php adapt the path and name of the imagemagick executable (if you use it at all). If you later get problems with images not being displayed you have most likely the wrong path in this file.

Delete the content of the cache folders of EZ (if you don't, you will upload lots of unnecessary files and some things will not work in the new location until you have cleared the cache there). The relevant folders are var/cache and var/<siteaccess>/cache. Be careful what you are doing here (and make a backup of the entire var directory beforehand...) and really delete only the content of the cache folders, nothing else.

Use phpmyadmin or something similar to make a backup of your local database. Then import this backup to the database on your server (using the database management tool your provider gives you, most likely phpmyadmin again)

Upload your entire EZ folder to the server using ftp.

Make sure that the folders var and settings and their subfolders and files are writeable by php - on some server setups you might have to change the permissions to the full 777 to do that.

Call up the index.php of your now online EZ installation. This might take a bit as all the caches have to be recreated.

That should be it...

Greetings from Luxembourg


Rainer Kraft

Wednesday 04 April 2007 5:55:23 am

I have some problems with the web publishing too. I use a Mac OS X Server and all goes very well. I put the ez folder on the server (t-online) and I got no connect to the mysql server without good reason, if I use ezpublish package and installation stopped.
I use the folder from my machine, put all the data into the database with phpmyadmin and again no usefull result. I tried now for 3 days and searched the net for any hint and found nothing yet.

Greetings from Bad Pyrmont, Germany

Lukasz Piech

Wednesday 18 April 2007 2:04:20 am


I had a simmilar problem on Mac OS.

DO you use just the MySQL address and port or a UNIX socket ? On Mac OS apparently you need to use both

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eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 22:20:31
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 22:20:31
Module start 'layout'
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Time accumulators:

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Ini load
Load cache0.00290.6309160.0002
Check MTime0.00120.2547160.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00060.129610.0006
Looping result0.00040.0967620.0000
Template Total0.439094.520.2195
Template load0.00210.445920.0010
Template processing0.436994.036220.2185
Template load and register function0.00010.031510.0001
Cache load0.00170.3583380.0000
Sytem overhead
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Fetch class attribute name0.00080.180340.0002
Image XML parsing0.00040.083940.0001
Instantiating content class attribute0.00000.001540.0000
String conversion0.00000.001240.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

Templates used to render the page:

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