Thursday 05 February 2004 1:26:45 am
How do i can aply that patch
my ezsys.php is totaly diferent here is my ezsys.php
// Definition of eZSys class
// Created on: <01-Mar-2002 13:48:53 amos>
// Copyright (C) 1999-2004 eZ systems as. All rights reserved.
// This source file is part of the eZ publish (tm) Open Source Content
// Management System.
// This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
// "GNU General Public License" version 2 as published by the Free
// Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in
// the packaging of this file.
// Licencees holding valid "eZ publish professional licences" may use this
// file in accordance with the "eZ publish professional licence" Agreement
// provided with the Software.
// This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING
// The "eZ publish professional licence" is available at
// For pricing of this licence
// please contact us via e-mail to Further contact
// information is available at
// The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at
// Contact if any conditions of this licencing isn't clear to
// you. //
\class eZSys ezsys.php
\ingroup eZUtils \brief Easy access to various system settings
The system is checked to see whether a virtualhost-less setup is used
and sets the appropriate variables which can be fetched with
siteDir(), wwwDir() and indexFile().
It also detects file and enviroment separators, fetch them with
fileSeparator() and envSeparator().
In addition userIndexFile(), adminIndexFile() and xmlrpcIndexFile()
can be used to fetch the index file of the user page, admin page and xmlrpc interface.
// Run the init in the index file
eZSys::init( eZINI::instance() );
print( eZSys::indexFile() );
print( eZSys::wwwDir() );
\endcode */ define( "EZ_SYS_DEBUG_INTERNALS", false );
class eZSys
Initializes the object with settings taken from the current script run.
function eZSys()
$this->Attributes = array( "magickQuotes" => true,
"hostname" => true );
// Determine OS specific settings
if ( substr( php_uname(), 0, 7 ) == "Windows" )
$this->OSType = "win32";
$this->FileSystemType = "win32";
$this->FileSeparator = "\\";
$this->LineSeparator= "\r\n";
$this->EnvSeparator = ";";
$this->ShellEscapeCharacter = '"';
$this->BackupFilename = '.bak';
else if ( substr( php_uname(), 0, 3 ) == "Mac" )
$this->OSType = "mac";
$this->FileSystemType = "unix";
$this->FileSeparator = "/";
$this->LineSeparator= "\r";
$this->EnvSeparator = ":";
$this->ShellEscapeCharacter = "'";
$this->BackupFilename = '~';
$this->OSType = "unix";
$this->FileSystemType = "unix";
$this->FileSeparator = "/";
$this->LineSeparator= "\n";
$this->EnvSeparator = ":";
$this->ShellEscapeCharacter = "'";
$this->BackupFilename = '~'; } $magicQuote = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
if ( $magicQuote == 1 )
} }
function removeMagicQuotes()
$globalVariables = array( '_SERVER', '_ENV' );
foreach ( $globalVariables as $globalVariable )
foreach ( array_keys( $GLOBALS[$globalVariable] ) as $key )
if ( !is_array( $GLOBALS[$globalVariable][$key] ) )
$GLOBALS[$globalVariable][$key] = stripslashes( $GLOBALS[$globalVariable][$key] );
} }
\return the os type, either \c "win32", \c "unix" or \c "mac"
function osType()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->OSType; }
\return the filesystem type, either \c "win32" or \c "unix"
function filesystemType()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->FileSystemType; }
Returns the string which is used for file separators on the current OS (server).
function fileSeparator()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->FileSeparator; }
\return the PHP version as text.
\note Calls phpversion().
function phpVersionText()
return phpversion(); }
\return the PHP version as an array with the version elements.
array( 4, 3, 4 )
function phpVersion()
$text = eZSys::phpVersionText();
$elements = explode( '.', $text );
return $elements; }
\return \c true if the PHP version is equal or higher than \a $requiredVersion. \param $requiredVersion must be an array with version number.
eZSys::isPHPVersionSufficient( array( 4, 1, 0 ) );
function isPHPVersionSufficient( $requiredVersion )
if ( !is_array( $requiredVersion ) )
return false;
$phpVersion = eZSys::phpVersion();
$len = min( count( $phpVersion ), count( $requiredVersion ) );
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i )
if ( $phpVersion[$i] > $requiredVersion[$i] )
return true;
if ( $phpVersion[$i] < $requiredVersion[$i] )
return false;
return true; }
Escape a string to be used as a shell argument and return it.
function escapeShellArgument( $argument )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
$escapeChar = $this->ShellEscapeCharacter;
$argument = str_replace( "\\", "\\\\", $argument );
$argument = str_replace( $escapeChar, "\\" . $escapeChar, $argument );
$argument = $escapeChar . $argument . $escapeChar;
return $argument; }
Replaces % elements in the argument text \a $argumentText using the replace list \a $replaceList.
It will also properly escape the argument.
\sa splitArgumentIntoElements, mergeArgumentElements
function createShellArgument( $argumentText, $replaceList )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
$elements = $this->splitArgumentIntoElements( $argumentText );
$replacedElements = array();
foreach ( $elements as $element )
if ( is_string( $element ) )
$replacedElements[] = strtr( $element, $replaceList );
$replacedElements[] = $element;
$text = $this->mergeArgumentElements( $replacedElements );
return $text; }
Splits the argument text into argument array elements.
It will split text on spaces and set them as strings in the array,
spaces will be counted and inserted as integers with the space count.
Text placed in quotes will also be parsed, this allows for spaces in the text.
\code $list = splitArgumentIntoElements( "-geometry 100x100" );
var_dump( $list ); // will give: array( "-geometry", 1, "100x100" ); \endcode
You can then easily modify the elements separately and create the argument text with mergeArgumentElements().
function splitArgumentIntoElements( $argumentText )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
$argumentElements = array(); $pos = 0;
while ( $pos < strlen( $argumentText ) )
if ( $argumentText[$pos] == '"' )
$quoteStartPos = $pos + 1;
$quoteEndPos = $pos + 1;
while ( $quoteEndPos < strlen( $argumentText ) )
$tmpPos = strpos( $argumentText, '"', $quoteEndPos );
if ( $tmpPos !== false and
$argumentText[$tmpPos - 1] != "\\" );
$quoteEndPos = $tmpPos;
if ( $tmpPos === false )
$quoteEndPos = strlen( $argumentText );
$quoteEndPos = $tmpPos + 1;
$argumentElements[] = substr( $argumentText, $quoteStartPos, $quoteEndPos - $quoteStartPos );
$pos = $quoteEndPos + 1;
else if ( $argumentText[$pos] == ' ' )
$spacePos = $pos;
$spaceEndPos = $pos;
while ( $spaceEndPos < strlen( $argumentText ) )
if ( $argumentText[$spaceEndPos] != ' ' )
$spaceText = substr( $argumentText, $spacePos, $spaceEndPos - $spacePos );
$spaceCount = strlen( $spaceText );
if ( $spaceCount > 0 )
$argumentElements[] = $spaceCount;
$pos = $spaceEndPos;
$spacePos = strpos( $argumentText, ' ', $pos );
if ( $spacePos !== false )
$argumentElements[] = substr( $argumentText, $pos, $spacePos - $pos );
$spaceEndPos = $spacePos + 1;
while ( $spaceEndPos < strlen( $argumentText ) )
if ( $argumentText[$spaceEndPos] != ' ' )
$spaceText = substr( $argumentText, $spacePos, $spaceEndPos - $spacePos );
$spaceCount = strlen( $spaceText );
if ( $spaceCount > 0 )
$argumentElements[] = $spaceCount;
$pos = $spaceEndPos;
$argumentElements[] = substr( $argumentText, $pos );
$pos = strlen( $argumentText );
return $argumentElements; }
Merges an argument list created by splitArgumentIntoElements() back into a text string.
The argument text will be properly quoted.
function mergeArgumentElements( $argumentElements )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
$argumentText = '';
foreach ( $argumentElements as $element )
if ( is_int( $element ) )
$argumentText .= str_repeat( ' ', $element );
else if ( is_string( $element ) )
$argumentText .= $this->escapeShellArgument( $element );
return $argumentText; }
\return the backup filename for this platform, returns .bak for win32 and ~ for unix and mac.
function backupFilename()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->BackupFilename; }
Returns the string which is used for line separators on the current OS (server).
function lineSeparator()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->LineSeparator; }
Returns the string which is used for enviroment separators on the current OS (server).
function envSeparator()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->EnvSeparator; }
\return the directory used for storing various kinds of files like cache, temporary files and logs.
function varDirectory()
include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php' );
$ini =& eZINI::instance();
return $ini->variable( 'FileSettings', 'VarDir' ); }
\ return the directory used for storing various kinds of files like images, audio and more.
\Note This will include the varDirectory().
function storageDirectory()
include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php' );
include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezdir.php' );
$ini =& eZINI::instance();
$varDir = eZSys::varDirectory();
$storageDir = $ini->variable( 'FileSettings', 'StorageDir' );
return eZDir::path( array( $varDir, $storageDir ) ); }
\return the directory used for storing cache files.
\note This will include the varDirectory().
function cacheDirectory()
include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezini.php' );
$ini =& eZINI::instance(); $cacheDir = $ini->variable( 'FileSettings', 'CacheDir' );
include_once( 'lib/ezutils/classes/ezdir.php' );
if ( $cacheDir[0] == "/" )
return eZDir::path( array( $cacheDir ) );
return eZDir::path( array( eZSys::varDirectory(), $cacheDir ) );
} }
The path to where all the code resides.
function siteDir()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->SiteDir; }
The relative directory path of the vhless setup.
function wwwDir()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->WWWDir; }
The filepath for the index file.
function indexDir( $withAccessList = true )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->wwwDir() . $this->indexFile( $withAccessList ); }
The filepath for the index file with the access path appended.
\sa indexFileName
function indexFile( $withAccessList = true )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
$text = $this->IndexFile;
if ( $withAccessList and count( $this->AccessPath ) > 0 )
// if ( $text != "" )
$text .= "/";
$text .= implode( '/', $this->AccessPath );
return $text; }
The filepath for the index file.
function indexFileName()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->IndexFile; }
Returns the current hostname.
function hostname()
return eZSys::serverVariable( 'HTTP_HOST' ); }
\return the port of the server.
function serverPort()
$port =& $GLOBALS['eZSysServerPort'];
if ( !isset( $port ) )
$port = eZSys::serverVariable( 'SERVER_PORT' );
$hostname = eZSys::serverVariable( 'HTTP_HOST' );
if ( preg_match( "/.*:([0-9]+)/", $hostname, $regs ) )
$port = $regs[1];
return $port; }
Returns true if magick quotes is enabled.
function magickQuotes() { }
\return the variable named \a $variableName in the global \c $_SERVER variable.
If the variable is not present an error is shown and \c null is returned.
function &serverVariable( $variableName, $quiet = false )
if ( !isset( $_SERVER[$variableName] ) )
if ( !$quiet )
eZDebug::writeError( "Server variable '$variableName' does not exist", 'eZSys::serverVariable' );
return null;
return $_SERVER[$variableName]; }
Sets the server variable named \a $variableName to \a $variableValue.
\note Variables are only set for the current page view.
function setServerVariable( $variableName, $variableValue )
$_SERVER[$variableName] = $variableValue; }
\return the path string for the server.
function &path( $quiet = false )
return eZSys::serverVariable( 'PATH', $quiet ); }
\return the variable named \a $variableName in the global \c $_ENV variable.
If the variable is not present an error is shown and \c null is returned.
function &environmentVariable( $variableName, $quiet = false )
if ( !isset( $_ENV[$variableName] ) )
if ( !$quiet )
eZDebug::writeError( "Environment variable '$variableName' does not exist", 'eZSys::environmentVariable' );
return null;
return $_ENV[$variableName]; }
Sets the environment variable named \a $variableName to \a $variableValue.
\note Variables are only set for the current page view.
function setEnvironmentVariable( $variableName, $variableValue )
$_ENV[$variableName] = $variableValue; }
Return true if the attribute $attr is set. Available attributes are
wwwdir, sitedir or indexfile
function hasAttribute( $attr )
return ( isset( $this->Attributes[$attr] )
or $attr == "wwwdir"
or $attr == "sitedir"
or $attr == "indexfile"
or $attr == "indexdir" ); }
Returns the attribute value for $attr or null if the attribute does not exist.
function &attribute( $attr )
if ( isset( $this->Attributes[$attr] ) )
$mname = $attr;
return $this->$mname();
else if ( $attr == 'wwwdir' )
return $this->wwwDir();
else if ( $attr == 'sitedir' )
return $this->siteDir();
else if ( $attr == 'indexfile' )
return $this->indexFile();
else if ( $attr == 'indexdir' )
return $this->indexDir();
return null;
} }
Sets the access path which is appended to the index file.
\sa indexFile
function addAccessPath( $path )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
if ( !is_array( $path ) )
$path = array( $path );
$this->AccessPath = array_merge( $this->AccessPath, $path ); }
\return true if debugging of internals is enabled, this will display
which server variables are read.
Set the option with setIsDebugEnabled().
function isDebugEnabled()
if ( !isset( $GLOBALS['eZSysDebugInternalsEnabled'] ) )
$GLOBALS['eZSysDebugInternalsEnabled'] = EZ_SYS_DEBUG_INTERNALS;
return $GLOBALS['eZSysDebugInternalsEnabled']; }
Sets whether internal debugging is enabled or not.
function setIsDebugEnabled( $debug )
$GLOBALS['eZSysDebugInternalsEnabled'] = $debug; }
Initializes some variables according to some global PHP values.
This function should be called once in the index file with the parameters
stated in the parameter list.
function init( $def_index = "index.php" )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" ) $this =& eZSys::instance();
if ( eZSys::isDebugEnabled() )
eZDebug::writeNotice( eZSys::serverVariable( 'PHP_SELF' ), 'PHP_SELF' );
eZDebug::writeNotice( eZSys::serverVariable( 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ), 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' );
eZDebug::writeNotice( eZSys::serverVariable( 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ), 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' );
eZDebug::writeNotice( ini_get( 'include_path' ), 'include_path' ); } $phpSelf = eZSys::serverVariable( 'PHP_SELF' );
// Find out, where our files are.
if ( ereg( "(.*/)([^\/]+\.php)$", eZSys::serverVariable( 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ), $regs ) )
$siteDir = $regs[1];
$index = "/" . $regs[2];
elseif ( ereg( "(.*/)([^\/]+\.php)/?", $phpSelf, $regs ) )
// Some people using CGI have their $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] not right... so we are trying this.
$siteDir = eZSys::serverVariable( 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' ) . $regs[1];
$index = "/" . $regs[2];
// Fallback... doesn't work with virtual-hosts, but better than nothing
$siteDir = "./";
$index = "/$def_index"; }
// Setting the right include_path
$includePath = ini_get( "include_path" ); if ( trim( $includePath ) != "" )
// Old line: //$includePath .= $this->envSeparator() . $siteDir;
// New line: $includePath = $siteDir . $this->envSeparator() . $includePath;
$includePath = $siteDir; ini_set( "include_path", $includePath );
$scriptName = eZSys::serverVariable( 'SCRIPT_NAME' );
// Get the webdir.
if ( ereg( "(.*)/([^\/]+\.php)$", $scriptName, $regs ) )
$wwwDir = $regs[1];
else if ( ereg( "(.*)/([^\/]+\.php)$", $phpSelf, $regs ) ) $wwwDir = $regs[1]; $requestURI = eZSys::serverVariable( 'REQUEST_URI' );
// Fallback... Finding the paths above failed, so $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] is not set right.
if ( $siteDir == "./" ) $phpSelf = $requestURI;
$def_index_reg = str_replace( ".", "\\.", $def_index );
// Trick: Rewrite setup doesn't have index.php in $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], so we don't want an $index
if ( ! ereg( ".*$def_index_reg.*", $phpSelf ) )
$index = "";
if ( eZSys::isDebugEnabled() )
eZDebug::writeNotice( "$wwwDir$index", '$wwwDir$index' );
// Get the right $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], when using nVH setup.
if ( ereg( "^$wwwDir$index(.*)", $phpSelf, $req ) )
$requestURI = $req[1];
} }
// Remove url parameters
if ( ereg( "([^?]+)", $requestURI, $regs ) )
$requestURI = $regs[1]; }
// Remove internal links
if ( ereg( "([^#]+)", $requestURI, $regs ) )
$requestURI = $regs[1]; }
$this->AccessPath = array();
$this->SiteDir =& $siteDir;
$this->WWWDir =& $wwwDir;
$this->IndexFile =& $index; $this->RequestURI = $requestURI;
if ( eZSys::isDebugEnabled() )
eZDebug::writeNotice( $this->SiteDir, 'SiteDir' );
eZDebug::writeNotice( $this->WWWDir, 'WWWDir' );
eZDebug::writeNotice( $this->IndexFile, 'IndexFile' );
eZDebug::writeNotice( eZSys::requestURI(), 'eZSys::requestURI()' );
} }
\return the URI used for parsing modules, views and parameters, may differ from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].
function requestURI()
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance();
return $this->RequestURI; }
Initializes some variables which are read from site.ini
\warning Do not call this before init()
function initIni( &$ini )
if ( !isset( $this ) or get_class( $this ) != "ezsys" )
$this =& eZSys::instance(); }
Returns the only legal instance of the eZSys class.
function &instance()
$instance =& $GLOBALS["eZSysInstance"];
if ( get_class( $instance ) != "ezsys" )
$instance = new eZSys();
return $instance; }
/// The line separator used in files
var $LineSeparator;
/// The directory separator used for files
var $FileSeparator;
/// The list separator used for env variables
var $EnvSeparator;
/// The path to where all the code resides
var $SiteDir;
/// The access path of the current site view
var $AccessPath;
/// The relative directory path of the vhless setup
var $WWWDir;
/// The filepath for the index
var $IndexFile;
/// The uri which is used for parsing module/view information from, may differ from $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
var $RequestURI;
/// The type of filesystem, is either win32 or unix. This often used to determine os specific paths.
var $FileSystemType;
/// The character to be used in shell escaping, this character is OS specific
var $ShellEscapeCharacter;
var $OSType; } ?>