Online Editor -> "Blinking" problems.

Author Message

Jonathan Dillon-Hayes

Monday 28 March 2005 1:10:23 pm

Was this related to the IE blinkin' CSS bug?


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Thomas Hellstrøm

Friday 22 April 2005 6:47:17 am

I've been notified about this behaviour previously, but not had the time to examine it in detail yet. But it is clearly an IE bug, because there is no logic in how the javascript reacts to the specified CSS declaration, as far as I know.

To modify that style will affect a lot of visual stuff all around admin, because it is a very broad declaration on a style that is used a lot, so I don't recommend changing it in general. (But it probably won't affect basic functionality in any known way.)

What we'll most likely do is to insert a new tag set and class around the affected areas, and try to create a workaround for just those styles inside.


laurent le cadet

Friday 22 April 2005 7:17:12 am

Hi Thomas,

I think you are right about removing or not the tag we talked about.

In addition to the thread removing the tag and/or the "disable/enable editor" button doesn't solve every troubles.

I don't know if you face this problem with your system (OS/browser) but I can report mine if it can serve...


Thomas Hellstrøm

Monday 02 May 2005 7:25:03 am

I've just tested a fix to the blinking problem which may work. At least it looks like it had a positive effect on the one internal computer which have been affected by the bug previously.

In the ezxmltext_ezdhtml.tpl template somewhere under the extension, I've added a new tag set <div class="oe-window">, right inside the section which should stretch between line 11 to 24:

{section show=eq($input_handler.browser_supports_dhtml_type,"IE")}
<div class="oe-window">

...all other section content...


Then I've added this style to the site.css in admin:

    border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;

Could anyone else affected please test this, to confirm if it works properly or not? If something is unclear about my description of this possible solution just ask for further info.


laurent le cadet

Monday 02 May 2005 7:56:15 am

Hi Thomas,

it's still the same :(


Thomas Hellstrøm

Tuesday 03 May 2005 1:30:25 am

This is really strange. But my problem with searching for a possible solution now is that I don't have any more typical test cases to work on. It seems like our previously affected PC may not be that typical after all, and it has other (unrelated) bugs making it unstable.

Since this kind of work often is a case of trial-and-error, the best would be to be able to set up a clean typical case internally. So if all those who knows they are affected could send me a note with full version information about IE, OE, Windows, and eZ publish, we may be able to analyse and reproduce it in some way. At the same time it may also be helpful if you all include full info about a another set-up that does work properly, if you know one, so we get more material for comparison.

Send everything to Please make a note if you're interested in testing any possible solutions for us.


Luc Chase

Tuesday 03 May 2005 10:12:26 am

after the fix, Need to clear template caches perhaps?

The Web Application Service Provider

Frederik Holljen

Tuesday 03 May 2005 10:37:16 am

Yes, you would have to clear the cache after implementing the fix.

Thomas Hellstrøm

Tuesday 10 May 2005 5:16:52 am

I've now had a closer look at this, by doing some research and getting more feedback from users. It's pretty clear that this is a bug in Internet Explorer itself, but only in some versions of the browser.

The problem is known to affect the following IE versions:
6.0.2600.0000 (which came with the original XP installation)
6.0.2800.1106 (which came with XP ServicePack 1)
The same IE versions on an upgraded Windows 2000 also seems affected.

IE on Windows XP upgraded to ServicePack2 has this version:
and it's no problems with this one, so I would believe that any newer versions should be fine as well.

For more info on where the different IE version are found visit;en-us;164539

There seems to be no way to upgrade IE to the bug free version without installing a full ServicePack2 for XP, and if that's no option (I know some hesitate to upgrade to SP2 for different reasons) I've tried to find the best work-around. This is based on one of the solutions mentioned earlier in this thread; a bit revised to minimize other side-effects. Just add it to the bottom of the site.css in admin:

div.content-edit div.block
    margin: 0.5em 0 0 0;
    padding: 0 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em;

This fix seems to have worked on the test cases I've found on internal PCs, but please give me feedback if it works ok for others as well.

Anyway; thanks to everyone who provided feedback on this issue!


laurent le cadet

Tuesday 10 May 2005 5:56:06 am


I've tried what you did but it still blinking.


Thomas Hellstrøm

Tuesday 10 May 2005 7:02:03 am

That's too bad, because as far as I know I've tested it on a similar IE version as the one you've got, with a positive result. I'm afraid we're running out of options here; as I really don't know what more to do when the problem lies in IE.

We'll just have to add a note about this problem where appropriate, in documentation and elsewhere, with a recomendation that OE should be used on a SP2 upgraded system if used in IE on Windows XP. The other possible recomendation would be that Firefox is used instead.


laurent le cadet

Tuesday 10 May 2005 7:34:41 am

Yes, this a real S... (Sorry)
We just have to hope that the next generation of IE will go on with the features of 2900 because I don't think you plan to go to work with Microsoft ;)

Thanks for all


Lex 007

Thursday 28 July 2005 2:45:40 am

Thomas Hellstrøm > The last fix you posted partially worked for me : the bottom of the page is still blinking (but slower ...).

Nabil Alimi

Thursday 04 August 2005 7:16:38 am

Hi, I have the same blinking problem but on Mozilla Firefox...

In fact, it doesnt appears in the standard admin interface but in the custom I builded...

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nabil at assiki d0t fr

Lex 007

Thursday 04 August 2005 9:01:05 am

It also does not appear with OE v2 ... eZ crew, are you 100% sure this is a IE related bug ?

Kirill Subbotin

Thursday 01 September 2005 3:27:00 am

I have great news for all MS IE users: "Blinking" and "Broken design" bugs have been fixed, and you will not see them in the next OE release (3.1).

Lex 007

Thursday 01 September 2005 5:48:39 am


This is great news ! Do you have any release date ?


Kirill Subbotin

Monday 05 September 2005 8:23:40 am

OE 3.1 is already released !
Please download and test, hope you will like it.

Nabil Alimi

Thursday 20 April 2006 8:42:34 am

Looks like the bug is still alive... But only on Firefox 1.0.

I've upgraded my browser and it's not blinking anymore. :)

My blog : / /
eZ Publish Freelance developper. Feel free to contact me +33 674 367 057
nabil at assiki d0t fr

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