Friday 20 July 2007 12:52:08 am
Basically OE needs a rewrite to be able to work on Vista, and it needs a rewrite of several other reasons (xml, support for more browsers and so on).
This new version will be part of eZ Publish 4, but because the xml will change it will not be supported on eZ Publish 3.x out of the box. The time frame for this is December / January, so any back porting will have to start after that. Until then you could suggest firefox to those customers. Alternatively I do have a prototype of TinyMce for eZ Publish 3.x in the work, but this is strictly a community effort and I will release it when it supports images and relations. If someone else is interested in helping out, please shout out..
eZ Online Editor 5: || eZJSCore (Ajax): || eZ Publish EE