Sudden fatal error in admin site (unsure of reason)

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Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 07 December 2005 6:07:05 pm

Hi all, I've been running my eZpublish site for well over a month now but suddenly I have a fatal error when trying to access the admin site and I have no idea why?

Nothing has been changed on the server, the public site is still running with no problems, I did make some changes to my .htaccess file but have since restored the file to its original state and restarted the Apache service.

The error is as follows:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: ldap_connect() in /home/cctscom/public_html/kernel/classes/datatypes/ezuser/ezldapuser.php on line 221
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

I found this post about the same error:

If LDAP is disabled I assume this would also affect the public site? Or maybe not.

Additionally it seems my log files have been corrupted, I get the following errors in my debug output:

Error: eZINI  	Dec 08 2005 12:56:08

Undefined group: 'ExtensionSettings'

Error: eZDebug::writeFile 	Dec 08 2005 12:56:08

Cannot open log file 'var/log/error.log' for writing
The web server must be allowed to modify the file.
File logging for 'var/log/error.log' is disabled.

Error: eZINI 	Dec 08 2005 12:56:08

Undefined group: 'ExtensionSettings'

Error: eZINI 	Dec 08 2005 12:56:08

Undefined group: 'ExtensionSettings'

Warning: eZTemplate 	Dec 08 2005 12:56:08

No template could be loaded for "setup/debug_toolbar.tpl" using resource "design"

Error: eZDebug::writeFile 	Dec 08 2005 12:56:08

Cannot open log file 'var/log/warning.log' for writing
The web server must be allowed to modify the file.
File logging for 'var/log/warning.log' is disabled.

My log file all have full write permissions set, so why do I get these errors?

The site was due to go live within the next few days but this is a major problem, Any ideas are very welcome, please help.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Nathan Kelly

Wednesday 07 December 2005 8:16:30 pm

Ok so I set LDAPsettings to "LDAPEnabled=[false]" in ldap.ini and I can now get to my admin interface without any errors.

It appears PHP on my server is without ldap support, so my question is this:

How could I log into my admin area for over a month with "LDAPEnabled=[true]" when ldap has never been enabled on my server, and what triggered it to sudenly kick in like this?

More questions, is ldap required, does it improve security and how do I accure and install it?


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Nathan Kelly

Thursday 15 December 2005 6:03:22 pm

Ez will be the death of me...

I now have another Fatal Error that has me stumped:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/site/public_html/var/cache/cache/template/compiled/show_content_structure-4194dfde38c8517883396e65244b721b.php on line 1414
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request

This Error is occurring on line 1414, at least it did on this occasion, this error seems to occur in a different location each time I try to access the admin area. At the moment I can't access the admin area at all, I have cleared the cache etc (many times) I really don't know what is causing these errors.

I'm using eZp 3.6, this error occurred after I changed the editor role to include cache management, now I can't log in to the admin area so I can't change the role, though I don't know how a role setting could cause this sort of problem?

My deadline is Friday next week, after two months of hard work to get the site ready this problem is the last thing I need, the production time for this site has been extended 3 times now due to eZpublish bugs and fatal errors.

I really need some help with this, if anyone has any suggestions please please pass them on I'm desperate...


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Bruce Morrison

Thursday 15 December 2005 9:14:34 pm

Hi Nathan

I'm not sure of the specific reason for the error occuring, but basicaly the page took longer that 30secs to generate. php stops running after 30secs to prevent runaway processes hanging around.

You can incearese this value via the php.ini file

There may be some intensive work being done in the templates for that particular page that is causing the issue.


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Nathan Kelly

Sunday 18 December 2005 3:03:40 pm

Hi Bruce, thanks for the suggestion, I tried increasing the process time but the error still occurs even after 2 - 3 mins of processing?

Is there any way to stop cache compiling for the admin area? It seems to happen during the compile process, and it seems to kick in on the show_content_structure-###.php cache file.

As i said also, the only thing that I did before this error started to occur was to give the editors user group access to cache management.

If disabling cache compile fails to give me access to the admin is there any way to change roles and permissions in the MySQL, and how could I go about removing this role? If I can roll the editor class back to default it might stop this error, at least its worth a try, I don't know what else to do.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Xavier Dutoit

Monday 19 December 2005 1:23:30 am

Just add in your siteaccess/whatever_admin/site.ini.append.php :


Andrew Kelly

Monday 19 December 2005 2:06:19 am

This may be related, maybe not, but it has a whiff of some issues I've just dealt with.

If you ever make it safely back into the back end of your site, immediately "turn off" the
content structure menu on the left (click the -). I was seeing HUUUUUge publishing delays and
wondering why on earth I'd decided to use eZ to rebuild my organisation's internet presence. I couldn't believe the performance decay after getting only about 10% of my content on board and was beginning to formulate my letter of resignation. Then it occured to me that I might be misinterpretting the delay, turned off display of my content structure and WHOOP! off she went like a rocket. It's annoying to have to navigate through the "main view" or with bookmarks, but it beats the dickens out of 90 second delays while the content tree menu rebuilds itself on every stinking click.

Like I said, though, might not be related.


Nathan Kelly

Monday 19 December 2005 2:40:45 pm

Thanks for the input guys, I'll try turning off cahce compile first and see how I go.

The content structure menu is pretty bulky, so the delay could have something to do with that, I'll keep your suggestion in mind Andrew. Do you think the AJAX content structure menu could help lower the load times in the admin?


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Nathan Kelly

Monday 19 December 2005 3:16:30 pm

Ok I'm back into the admin area, disabling template compile seems to have stopped the error. I removed the policy I added to the editor user group so it is now back to default (just in case this was the problem).

To test some theories I manually cleared the cache and re-enabled the template compile, as I expected this threw the error again.

I disabled template compile and then tried Andrews idea, I closed the content structure menu, manually cleared the cache re-enabled the template compile and there is no problem, the admin area loads up.

So Andrews theory seems to be valid, the content structure menu is throwing the error, this may be due to its size however I don't understand why this error happened out of the blue as the content structure has not changed for about 2 weeks, that is I haven't added anything else to it for quite a while. So why did the system suddenly start throwing an error?

I think I might look at installing the AJAX content structure menu and see if it helps avoid the error, I would prefer the template compile on but for the clients sake I would also like them to be able to use the menu in admin, its easier for them.


Pardon me while I burst into flames...

Bruce Morrison

Monday 19 December 2005 7:28:30 pm

Hi Nathan

You can also limit the depth of the content structure menu (we do this to speed up some larger sites). In contentstructuremenu.ini.append.php




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Lydie Soler

Tuesday 17 January 2006 10:35:18 am


first thanks for the answer because it helped me also. Today, I have changed elements in my translation file. after that, I wasn't able to connect anymore to my admin site........
Even If I put back the old file stil can't log in...
As you told I disabled TemplateCompile and then it worked... don't understand as this TemplateCompile was set to compile for age in my site...
never mind...

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eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 01:17:04
Script start
Timing: Jan 18 2025 01:17:04
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