Tuesday 06 July 2004 6:32:25 pm
I'm testing EZ Publish last few days & stucked at WebDAV setup... I've followed steps regarding WebDAV, but with no success. Added an extraline (DocumentRoot) to force Apache to look into the right dir:
<Virtualhost *>
<Directory /var/www/ez/ezpublish-3.4.0>
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
DocumentRoot /var/www/ez/ezpublish-3.4.0/
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule !\.(css|jar|js|html|php)$ /webdav.php
ServerAdmin webmaster@ezdav.xyz
ServerName ezdav.xyz </VirtualHost>
I'm using ez publish 3-4.0 and IE6.0.2800. IE doesn't ask me for login/pwd.
It sometimes returns http error "HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed" and someties logs me in (without login form), but I can't upload anything... Any clue what's wrong? Thanks in advance.