What's a web "designer" to do...?

Author Message

john delrios

Monday 27 April 2009 4:13:21 am

I'm a newbee here, so please be gentle...

I'm a long-time web designer (NOT a code-guy) although I do my best with HTML, Javascript & Actionscript.

I would love to be able to figure out how to setup and use EZ Publishing CMS up and offer it to some of my clients (I build websites).

So I downloaded, installed it on my ISP Host (Linux) and fired it up, only to get this message right away:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting '(' in /hsphere/local/home/delwad/riodesignltd.com/ez/index.php on line 106

Now before you say did you review the manual and setup the MySQL & PHP some-thing or other...my answer is "the what??"

I struggle here because documentation is written for code-people, not the rest of us. So when it say first do this (@#$^()**), then do this (%*U^%#@), etc. I get totally lost, discouraged, and bail out.

Is there an install guide that speaks "non-code-speak"??

I'll keep trying...

Any help would be appreciated ;-)


Björn Dieding@xrow.de

Monday 27 April 2009 8:14:43 am

can you cut and paste the lines around line index.php on line 106. 10 lines before and after would be ok i guess.

I have the feeling the something went wrong when unzipping or uploading the index.php. I would retry it, maybe that fixes it.

Did you make sure that you use php5?

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GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany
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john delrios

Monday 27 April 2009 10:01:49 am

Thanks Bjorn,

I've cut-n-pasted the section that you requested. I'll try unzipping and uploading again. I didn't get any "unzip" errors...Thanks


Reads settings from site.ini and passes them to eZDebug.
function eZUpdateDebugSettings()
$ini = eZINI::instance();

$settings = array();
list( $settings['debug-enabled'], $settings['debug-by-ip'], $settings['log-only'], $settings['debug-by-user'], $settings['debug-ip-list'], $logList, $settings['debug-user-list'] ) =
$ini->variableMulti( 'DebugSettings',
array( 'DebugOutput', 'DebugByIP', 'DebugLogOnly', 'DebugByUser', 'DebugIPList', 'AlwaysLog', 'DebugUserIDList' ),
array( 'enabled', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'enabled' ) );
$logMap = array( 'notice' => eZDebug::LEVEL_NOTICE,
'warning' => eZDebug::LEVEL_WARNING,
'error' => eZDebug::LEVEL_ERROR,
'debug' => eZDebug::LEVEL_DEBUG,
'strict' => eZDebug::LEVEL_STRICT );
$settings['always-log'] = array();
foreach ( $logMap as $name => $level )
$settings['always-log'][$level] = in_array( $name, $logList );
eZDebug::updateSettings( $settings );


cousin mosquito

Monday 27 April 2009 8:39:17 pm


I struggle here because documentation is written for code-people, not the rest of us. So when it say first do this (@#$^()**), then do this (%*U^%#@), etc. I get totally lost, discouraged, and bail out.

Is there an install guide that speaks "non-code-speak"??

>>Is there an install guide that speaks "non-code-speak"??

I reckon its a codey kind of product.

I'd try installing it locally in a stack from these guys,
and see if you really want to invest your time in it. It does lots of very clever things, but you have to be prepared to spend the time to really understand. You might find other CMSes that do 90% of what it does but are easier to use.

Good luck


Asking the dumb questions for your benefit

Björn Dieding@xrow.de

Tuesday 28 April 2009 2:59:20 am

is $logMap = array( 'notice' => eZDebug::LEVEL_NOTICE, line 106?

If so your hosting provider runs php4 you need php5. Please check upon this.

Looking for a new job? http://www.xrow.com/xrow-GmbH/Jobs
Looking for hosting? http://hostingezpublish.com
GMT +01:00 Hannover, Germany
Web: http://www.xrow.com/

Sara Keighley

Tuesday 28 April 2009 8:29:54 am

Good afternoon all,

I'm very interested in talking to any PHP developers who are familiar with eZ publish please!!


Nikola Jankovic

Saturday 09 May 2009 8:21:27 am


I have the same problem, getting error on the same line (106). My host is running PHP 5.2.9.

This is the code around line 106

                             array( 'DebugOutput', 'DebugByIP', 'DebugLogOnly', 'DebugByUser', 'DebugIPList', 'AlwaysLog', 'DebugUserIDList' ),
                             array( 'enabled', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'enabled' ) );
    $logMap = array( 'notice' => eZDebug::LEVEL_NOTICE,
                     'warning' => eZDebug::LEVEL_WARNING,
                     'error' => eZDebug::LEVEL_ERROR,
                     'debug' => eZDebug::LEVEL_DEBUG,
                     'strict' => eZDebug::LEVEL_STRICT );
    $settings['always-log'] = array();

(line 106 is the one beggining with $logMap)

I would appreciate your help.

Best regards,

André R.

Saturday 09 May 2009 9:25:47 am

You hoster is probably running both php5 and 4, and you need to enable 5 somewhere or the hoster need to do it for you.

If you do not believe me, rename index.php to something else and create index.php with this content:


eZ Online Editor 5: http://projects.ez.no/ezoe || eZJSCore (Ajax): http://projects.ez.no/ezjscore || eZ Publish EE http://ez.no/eZPublish/eZ-Publish-Enterprise-Subscription
@: http://twitter.com/andrerom

Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.

eZ debug

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