Wednesday 23 June 2004 8:07:21 am
Since the last release of eZp, the pagelayout.tpl is very very different. It seems to be base on modules which are organise by the Menu Management. So now there no more <table> in the code of the pagelayout.tpl. I just want to add few lines :
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="" TYPE="text/javascript"></SCRIPT>
To print the weather forecast under the left menu but only on one override pagelayout. So I can't write the additional script directely in the flat_left.tpl. I tryed in the pagelayout itself but I can't manage to print it under the left menu with the main content at the right place. I think it's just a question of stylesheet, but I can't find the solution. I hope that it is comprehensible. Laurent.