Pascal France
Tuesday 12 May 2009 7:24:54 am
Hi, I have a tree which looks like that:
Is there a way to fetch, with a single fetch, each first child of each <i>item</i> nodes ? In fact, I would like to create a menu
| item1 | item2 | item3 |
where each item is a link to its first child, and I would like to optimize the number of db queries. Pascal
Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) -
Michael Fürst
Thursday 14 May 2009 2:36:20 am
Yeah, you are of course able to fetch only the items on level 1. Here's my example of fetching the menu: {def $menuTop=fetch( content, list, hash(
parent_node_id, $indexpage,
sort_by, array('priority',true),
class_filter_type, include,
class_filter_array, array('frontpage','link','contentpage','event_calendar','blog','internal_shortcut','bildergalerie','folder')))
$indexpage is the node ID of the root node - in your case "level1". Additionally you can use the "depth" parameter to define how many levels shall be fetched.
Cheers, Mike