Monday 26 April 2004 4:10:21 am
We have a folder (Node ID 47) with the children A, B, C, D, E,...
A (Node ID 118) - B (Node ID 119) - C (Node ID 120) - D (Node ID 121) - E (Node ID 122) all these nodes are objects of a class called 'frabo' with the attribute "umsatz" and attribute id 200 Our goal is to get the sum of all attributes with the attribute id 200. With this code we can show all the integer-values of the atribute "umsatz" of all children in node 47
{let nodes=fetch( 'content', 'tree', hash( 'parent_node_id', 47 ) ) }
{section loop=$nodes}
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with the following code we can add two or more values together:
{let ergebnis=hash('wert 1', 6, 'wert 2', 4)}
now we want to add all these "umsatz"-values together. we have tried for three days, but we can not get theses two codes working together. has anybody a solution for the problem? thanx from germany