Can't Receive User Account Activation E-mail

Author Message

Jianjun Hu

Wednesday 20 June 2007 3:06:06 am

My <b>eZ Publish 3.9.2</b> is working on the following enviroment:

OS: Linux 2.6
PHP: 4.4
MySQL: 5.1
Apache: 2.2
Charset: UTF-8

The SMTP related settings in <b>/settings/override/site.ini.append.php</b> are:


I have checked these settings as the Administrator, and they are right. Then I cleared the <b>ini</b> cache. <i>(These settings work well with another CMS system.)</i>

I registered to my eZ Publish and was show this message:

Your account was successfully created. An e-mail will be sent to the specified e-mail address. You need to follow the instructions in that mail to activate your account.

But after one hour I still can't receive the user account activation email. How to correct this problem?

Thanks in advance!

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Lukasz Piech

Wednesday 20 June 2007 3:11:15 am

Are you sure SMTP is the right setting for your Linux Distribution? DId you try changing it to sendmail? Are you able to send emails directly from php script using mail function?

Jianjun Hu

Wednesday 20 June 2007 7:22:36 am

Thanks, Lukasz Piech
I'm sure that the SMTP settings for <b>eZ Publish</b> system are right because another <b>XOOPS</b> system running on the same server works well with the same SMTP settings.
I'll try <b>sendmail</b> later. But I want to know how to set up the SMTP.

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Is it a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt?


Thursday 21 June 2007 12:51:38 am

I would urge you to follow Joe's very well thought out instructions on how best to troubleshoot this issue,

There is a wealth of information in previous discussions on this topic available,[]=308&SearchPageLimit=5


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Jianjun Hu

Thursday 21 June 2007 8:06:25 pm

I changed the MailSettings(<i>/settings/override/site.ini.append.php</i>) from <b>Transport=SMTP</b> to <b>Transport=sendmail</b> and I can receive user account activation E-mail.

But unfortunately the content of the activation E-mail are chaotic codes:

&#37922;&#12582;&#22491;&#37722;? user1
&#28725;&#21977;&#29212;: user1

Maybe this is a more BORING problem.


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Is it a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt?

kracker (the)

Thursday 21 June 2007 11:19:49 pm

It just seems that ...

- your installation of eZ Publish
- your server
- you

Are having a majority of these problems atm, while most are not, is all I think.
And no, these are rarely fun unless you actually sick like that to enjoy it ;)

That said, it can be frustrating at times to have to deal with many breakdowns in a row, so while I can empathize with you it doesn't really help any.

I don't know why you get output but if I were you I would not give in, up or out ...

I would fill this thread with specifics until you find your own way, If someone with similar experience hears you and knows the answer surely one of them will speak up.


I am. The boy who survived ...</i>

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Pascal Specht

Friday 22 June 2007 12:47:58 am

Hi there,

looking at the &#37808; and co, this seems to be taiwanese character encoding... Could it be that you're facing an encoding problem here? Maybe adding an charset= or lang= encoding directive in the sent e-mail template could solve your problem?
Just a thought...

Jianjun Hu

Friday 29 June 2007 2:19:48 am

I am using the <b>Simplified Chinese</b>. A <b>hotmail</b> mailbox is used to test the activation email.

1.Change the <b>OutputCharset</b> item of <b>[MailSetings]</b> section in <i>/settings/site.ini</i> from utf-8 to GB2312.

OutputCharset=utf-8 --> OutputCharset=GB2312

No effect.

2. From another post in this forum, I know that:

The mails are send in 'kernel/user/register.php'.
The mails template are in:

And I find that the following codes in <i>kernel/user/register.php</i> are are relation to mail sending:

            $templateResult =& $tpl->fetch( 'design:user/registrationinfo.tpl' );
            $emailSender = $ini->variable( 'MailSettings', 'EmailSender' );
            if ( !$emailSender )
                $emailSender = $ini->variable( 'MailSettings', 'AdminEmail' );
            $mail->setSender( $emailSender );
            $mail->setReceiver( $receiver );
            $subject = ezi18n( 'kernel/user/register', 'Registration info' );
            if ( $tpl->hasVariable( 'subject' ) )
                $subject = $tpl->variable( 'subject' );
            $mail->setSubject( $subject );
            $mail->setBody( $templateResult );
            $mailResult = eZMailTransport::send( $mail );

I used <b>mb_convert_encoding</b> to convert the <b>$subject</b> and the <b>$templateResult</b> to <b>GB2312</b>. But I get a different chaotic codes activation email.

3.I use a <b></b> mailbox and a <b></b> mailbox to test the activation email, the activation emails are all normal.

4.According to a post:

Log in the hotmail mailbox
Click "Email"
Clisk "Options"
Click "Email"
Click "Email display settings"
Click "Email head"
Select "Advanced"
Click "OK"
Open the email
Refresh the page
Click the hypelink "Content-Type:text/html" under "View original file of the email"
Download and open the text file

(The steps above is translated from Chinese, so I'm not sure they are exact because of my poor English)

<b>Then I see the normal email content with UltraEdit.</b>

Some people say that the hotmail doesn't support utf-8 well. I think so.

I'd like to thanks <b>kracker</b>'s encouragement and other people's passionate help.

Good weekend!


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