[closed] shop checkout -> checkbox to accept therms

Author Message

scrieler _

Wednesday 13 May 2009 11:31:49 pm


I want to have a checkbox to accept the therms before confirm order,
do you have an idea?

kracker (the)

Thursday 14 May 2009 12:56:16 am

Hello M M,

Why not create a new extension containing a workflow event which provides this functionality assigned to the shop -> confirm order. This should be relatively simple to start with so many examples of how to use ez's php workflow event type api.

Imagine a workflow event as a wrapper for a call to a php script or method which together provide a way to display a template of terms confirmation to a user (shop checkout step) with a form which submits back to the checkoutprocess the results of the terms which can be evaluated, stored and if successful continue though towards the completion of the checkout process.

I describe a simple extra page in checkout process but with two different workflow event types and a custom module you could also process the checkbox say during the default order confirmation page as an alternative (which requires only a little more work).

Here is some useful related information.
Please let me know how this finds you.

[0] http://ezpedia.org/en/ez/workflow
[1] http://ezpedia.org/ez/workflow_event_type
[2] http://svn.projects.ez.no/bcstaticshipping/trunk/extension/bcstaticshipping/eventtypes/event/bcstaticshipping/bcstaticshippingtype.php


KiD CuDi - Day N Night (Lunice Remix)</i>

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Pascal Specht

Thursday 14 May 2009 3:05:05 am

Another way of doing it is to override the shop checkout template and add a checkbox and the corresponding texts in a div, and use some Javascript to hide/show and validate the process:

I copied parts of my shop/confirmorder.tpl below:


this displays the checkbox and triggers a javascript: $tac and $tac_url are the text to be shown, and a link to the terms and conditions.

<input type="checkbox" id="tacCB" onclick="displayTACWarning()" name="tac" value="{$tac|wash}" {section show=$tac|eq(1)} checked="checked"{/section}/>

the text and link is just behind the checkbox, as shown here:

<label for="tacCB" style="display: inline;">{"I have read the"|i18n("bg_user/confirmorder")}</label> {if $tac_url}<a href={$tac_url|ezurl} target="_blank">{/if}{"terms and conditions"|i18n("bg_user/confirmorder")}{if $tac_url}</a>{/if} {"and I agree"|i18n("bg_user/confirmorder")}

the following part is a div that is sohwn only if the user tries to commit the order without clicking on the terms and conditions:

<div class="break"><!--  --></div>
<div id="noTACwarning" {section show=$showtac|eq(0)} style="display:none;" {/section} class="warning" "style="height:100px;">
{"You need to agree to the terms and conditions in order to proceed"|i18n("bg_user/confirmorder")}
<br />

and below, you'll find the Javascript that I use to trigger/change the visibility state of the warning, and the way the commit button works, depending on the ceckboxes' state.


	<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
	function submitform( ok )
	  var obj = document.getElementById("jsfakebutton");
	  var tacCB = document.getElementById("tacCB");
	  var tac_agreed = tacCB.checked;
	  if ( ok )

	  if (ok && !tac_agreed )

	var existingOnload = null;
	if (window.onload) { existingOnload = window.onload; }

	window.onload = function (ev) {
		if (existingOnload) { existingOnload(ev); }
	function displayTACWarning() {
	   var tacCB = document.getElementById("tacCB");
	   var tac_agreed = tacCB.checked;
	   var vis = (tac_agreed) ? "none" : "block";
	   document.getElementById( 'noTACwarning' ).style.display = vis;

	function showjavascriptbuttons() {
		document.getElementById( 'javabuttons' ).style.display = "block";

I hope this helps you getting the code quickly on the rails,


scrieler _

Tuesday 19 May 2009 6:42:24 am

I got it, yeah =)

thank you very much Pascal!!!

thanks a lot to kracker too!!

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