Sunday 04 January 2004 7:10:08 am
Usually, this is done by checking the current node_id and the path.
As you will usually do this in the pagelayout template, see here for more info on the template variables. You will most likely need $module_result.path. Now, if your node tree structure is the same as your website structure, the items in the tab bar usually are "at the same level" in the node tree.
Pseudo-Code, if you want a tab based on level 2 nodes:
set $branch=$module_result.path[2]
switch match=$branch
case "NODE_ID_BRANCH_1": print tab bar for nodes in branch 1 (maybe including mouseover-grafics)
case "NODE_ID_BRANCH_2": print tab bar for nodes in branch 2 (maybe including mouseover-grafics)
default: print default tab bar for all other nodes /switch Of course, this is not very dynamic, but usually the top structure of a website should not change too often.