Sunday 01 June 2003 6:16:06 am
I have also some questions in connection with this item. I just want test a "short curt" to customising an own design by doing the following:
1. create a copy of "Demo" directory in a new one /design/(my-design)/ and then continue adapt it as an own design.
2. in this new design do minimal modification like replace logos, text on menu labels. To simplfy, I intend to keep the same sections.
3. empty the content and put my own Articles, News, Pictures etc Those steps are quite easy to perform (the last one is done in the Admin)
My questions:
- what is the minimal intervention in ini-files (or other set-up files) in order to point my new layout
- how point the admin interface on the new created design in order to delete/create content In my installation I wont to keep the demo design (just for reference). I have knowledge on PHP and MySQL but I don't think this helps just to solve my mentioned questions. In my opinion, to solve this task I would not need (yet) all the recommended start-reading e.g. template language etc.