Monday 04 May 2009 6:46:03 am
I'm trying to make a tag that just spits out the content of the tag untouched. Similar to <literal> but without the <pre> tags wrapping it. Here is what I have so far: First content.ini appends in both my custom siteaccess as well as the admin site access:
AvailableCustomTags[]=raw IsInline[raw]=true
AvailableCustomTags[]=raw IsInline[raw]=true Next the design, which is simply content spit out:
<b>design/custom_site/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/raw.tpl</b> {$content}
And finally trying to use it in ezpublish:
<custom name='raw'>
<form> <more straight html tags and text> </form> </custom>
I've cleared cache and try to save the above article and get:
The draft could not be stored.
Required data is either missing or is invalid:
* Body: Unknown tag: <form>. </b>