Monday 05 July 2010 2:08:55 am
Hi, I've just managed to install ezPublish 4.3 today and I'm facing some problems to use it.
The first problem I have is the empty menu on the left side of the user interface (not the admin interface) : I tried to add a few widgets to the menu (a calendar for example), but nothing happens and it is still empty.
The second problem is that I still have the default theme after that I made the change from the admin interface. In the image here, you can see that I selected the gray theme, but my website is still in blue : Finally, the last problem I have noticed concerns the addition of new themes. Setup<Packages, I installed my new theme 'correctly', but it does not display as an option when I want to change the theme. I would be really grateful if someone could provide me some help. Thanks.