exclude a section from the node_list

Author Message

Lydie Soler

Thursday 04 August 2005 2:02:06 am


I have added a node list to my site. I would like to exculde a specific section from it.
I know I should change the tpl file. Is there a way to change the fetch function or should I add a condition? I am not very good at programming....

here is the code :

<div class="toolbar-item {$placement}">
    {section show=or($show_subtree|count_chars()|eq(0), $requested_uri_string|begins_with( $show_subtree ))}
    {cache-block keys=$tool_id}
    {default limit=5}
    {section show=$sort_by|count|eq( 0 )}{set sort_by='published'}{/section}
    {let node_list=cond( $treelist_check|eq( 'yes' ),
                             fetch( content, tree, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
                                    limit, $limit,
                                    class_filter_type, exclude,
                                    class_filter_array, array( 'folder' ),
                                    sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() ) ) ),
                         fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
                                limit, $limit,
                                class_filter_type, exclude,
                                class_filter_array, array( 'folder' ),
                                sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() ) ) ) )}
    <div class="toollist">
        <div class="toollist-design">
        <div class="content-view-children">
        {section name=Node loop=$node_list sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)}
 {node_view_gui view=listitem content_node=$Node:item}



John Smith

Thursday 04 August 2005 2:38:43 am

hi Soler,

Use the code below

{section-exclude match=$menu.id|eq(node_id)}

where node_id is the node you want to exclude. Also replace $menu.id with the variable you using in the section loop.

This will do for you.

Lydie Soler

Thursday 04 August 2005 3:19:55 am

Sorry but I don't know how to include your code in the existing code... I haven't found any explanation in the documentation...

Can you be more precise?

Thanks a lot


Lydie Soler

Thursday 04 August 2005 6:50:20 am

well I would like to change the fetch function in order to say that I exclude the article which belongs to a specific section...

I though of something like this... (which of course doesn't work)

 fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
                                limit, $limit,
                                class_filter_type, exclude,
                                          array( 'article/object/section_id', '=', '6' )  , 
                                sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() )  )

Any idea of what I need to change???


Lydie Soler

Thursday 04 August 2005 8:53:04 am

well I had an idea. I remove the limit from the fetch function. Then I add a condition in order to exclude the element from the section. Then I would like to limit the number of elements I display.

Here is my code:

<div class="toolbar-item {$placement}">
    {section show=or($show_subtree|count_chars()|eq(0), $requested_uri_string|begins_with( $show_subtree ))}
    {cache-block keys=$tool_id}
    {default limit=5}
    {section show=$sort_by|count|eq( 0 )}{set sort_by='published'}{/section}
    {let node_list=cond( $treelist_check|eq( 'yes' ),
                             fetch( content, tree, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
                                    class_filter_type, exclude,
                                    class_filter_array,  array( 'folder' )  ,
                                    sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() ) ) ),
                         fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $parent_node,
                                class_filter_type, exclude,
                                          array( 'folder' )  , 
                                sort_by, array( $sort_by, false() )  ) ) )}

    <div class="toollist">
        <div class="toollist-design">
        <div class="content-view-children">

        {section name=Node loop=$node_list sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)}

          {if or(eq($Node:item.object.section_id,6), eq(0,$limit))}
                    {node_view_gui view=listitem content_node=$Node:item}
             {set limit=$limit|dec}





So I try to decrease the limit variable but nothing seems to happen.... But the code it self work ....Don't understand at all...
Please help me ....

Joanie Chembars

Tuesday 09 August 2005 7:05:21 am

Don't know if I can help, but.....
do you want to exclude everything within a certain section from your search?or is just that one class?

Lydie Soler

Tuesday 09 August 2005 7:13:04 am


I want to exclude everything from the considered section.

Joanie Chembars

Tuesday 09 August 2005 9:38:32 am

Just a guess here - i am not a programmer either -- did you try changing the set variable line from

{default limit=5}


{def $limit=5}

Lydie Soler

Wednesday 10 August 2005 2:24:55 am

Hi I have found the solution so here it is:

{section name=Node loop=$node_list sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)}
{section-exclude match=$Node:item.object.section_id|eq(6)}
{node_view_gui view=listitem content_node=$Node:item}


thanks for help

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