ezpublish problems, problems and more problems...

Author Message

J. Field

Monday 14 April 2003 5:18:06 pm

For several months I have been working and experiencing the diverse capacities of ezpublish. Ever since I began the inverted hours of work and study have been many. In more of a little while the results they have been quite bleak. Next I will expose some of the problems that I have at this moment.

1) After having several articles translated to three languages, I have still not obtained that a simple navigator of Internet gathers he I articulate in the language that corresponds to him. If the navigator this in German, would have to load the articles that exist in that language. But he does not do it! I have made thousands of tests and there is no possible form that this happens! The same case is for other languages.

2) In addition to this, when ezpublish is in way multi language, (thing that seems necessary for the translation) the time to render of the pages php he is 10 times greater! This seems to me an enormous slowness! The tests I have made them with a 800 PIII Mhz. Dual and 750 megas of ram, and a 15,000 HD SCSI of rmps. I have read which it is possible to accelerate php by means of applications like php-accelerator, but nowhere, nor in wiki explains like forming ezpublish so that this works!

3) Also the problems with the adjustments of shipment of emails from forms are great! There is no possible form that emails coming from forms is sent, neither with the sendmail, nor aiming towards a machine with smtp! I have made thousands and one tests in the section [ MailSettings ] in the file site.ini and is no form! Certainly I am desperate and I do not know that to do, it would be thankful beforehand that somebody helped me.

Kai Duebbert

Monday 14 April 2003 9:21:36 pm


to 1)
We have our eZ publish 3.0 running in multi-language mode. It has English, German and Chinese and works without problems. We are using Postgresql because we need UTF-8. It's not possible to say why yours isn't working without getting more information, but at least I can confirm that it does work.

to 2)
Yes, the site gets slower when using multi-languages. Use a PHP-Cache and you don't have problems. I don't know what you mean with your last sentence in (2). Have a look at the websites of php-accelerator etc. they explain how to use it. It has nothing to do with eZ publish, but with PHP in general.

to 3)
They wrote several times, that the mail function is not included in 3.0 yet, but will be included in version 3.1.

Hope this helps a bit.


Ole Morten Halvorsen

Tuesday 15 April 2003 2:21:15 am

Have you check your mail log? What does it say when you try to send a mail?

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology


eZ Certified Developer

Ole Morten Halvorsen

Tuesday 15 April 2003 8:07:17 am

3) see also:

Senior Software Engineer - Vision with Technology


eZ Certified Developer

J. Field

Tuesday 15 April 2003 8:12:35 am

Hello, thanks for the answers. It will try to explain a little better some points previously exposed. I use mysql version 3,23,53, is the one that comes by defect with the installer from ezpublish. By the made tests so that the translation this available one in my site seems to be that I need to have qualified the Utf-8 in the file i18n.ini


If the adjustment is Charset=iso-8859-1 in the file i18n.ini with the translation to other languages it does not seem to be available in my site and when loading the pages in the navigator it appears the following message:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /opt/ezpublish/sites/default/lib/ezi18n/classes/ezcodepage.php on line 92
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish it's request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.

If the adjustments of local language are in eng-GB e.g.

and in i18n.ini they are:


In this case it does not appear the message of error arrives mentioned, but therefore the translation is not possible. He is everything what I can explain referring to the translation by the made tests; if somebody can help me, thanks again beforehand.
I have verified the mail registry and they do not exist logs of exit of emails supposedly sent through ezpublish. The sendmail service works correctly since envio of mail is possible from any client email and also from the way console. Anticipated thanks.

# Configuration for SMTP
# The address which will be set at the sender of the e-mail as default

Kai Duebbert

Wednesday 16 April 2003 7:17:56 pm

About the translation. See this comment in settings/site.ini:
# Text translation is automatically disabled when the Locale is set to eng-GB

Also, you can't use UTF-8 with MySQL. You have to use Postgresql. It's mentioned in the forums here in several posts.

So, to get what you want, you have to find a charset that can be used by all languages *and* MySQL *and* have to set the right settings in your site.ini (well, the override one).


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eZ debug

Timing: Jan 18 2025 11:44:11
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Mysql Total
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