Sunday 28 January 2007 7:31:42 am
Hello there! I'm using EZ Publish v3.8.4.
My goal was to render dynamic meta descriptions for each page in the site. Therefore I've created a new attribute and encountered an issue/bug? related to caching:
1. I've defined a new text line attribute named "my_attribute" in the folder class.
2. I created a new folder using "Text" as value for "my_attribute" in the backend. 3. I modified the "page_head.tpl" template like his: <meta name="description" content="{$node.object.data_map.my_attribute.content}" /> When the folder is loaded for the first time in the frontend, the placeholder is filled correctly: <meta name="description" content="Text" /> However, when the page is loaded for the second time, the placeholder is empty: <meta name="description" content="" />
When I clear the site cache, the placeholder works. When the page is reloaded, the placeholder again is empty. Same thing happens when I use another template (e.g. "pagelayout.tpl") or another attribute (e.g. "title"). Has anyone had familiar problems / know a solution? Thank you in advance. Regards, Andreas Tremel