Has RootNode any effect ?

Author Message

Pascal France

Tuesday 23 May 2006 5:11:06 am


I would like to define the root node ID from which the menu of the public site will show items.

I tried to change the RootNode setting in content.ini and content.ini.append.php but the root node is always 2. (Reading some old posts, it seems that I am not alone having this problem).

Is it the right way to do what I want and is there a way to define such a node ?


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) - http://luxpopuli.fr/eZ-Publish

Kristof Coomans

Tuesday 23 May 2006 11:03:17 pm

Hi Pascal

It is possible to use the rootNode setting, but you will have to modify some templates to use it.

The flat top menu uses a hardcoded value 2 in it's templates. If you replace this with something like


then you'll get what you want.

But you will probably need to change some other templates too.

independent eZ Publish developer and service provider | http://blog.coomanskristof.be | http://ezpedia.org

Pascal France

Wednesday 24 May 2006 1:12:20 am

Hi Kristof,


In design/base/templates/menu/double_top.tpl I:
* added this first line:

  1 {let id_node_root=ezini('NodeSettings','RootNode','content.ini')}

* changed:

  2 {let root_node=fetch( content, node, hash( node_id, 2 ) )}


  2 {let root_node=fetch( content, node, hash( node_id, $id_node_root ) )}


  8     {let menuitems=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, 2,


  8     {let menuitems=fetch( content, list, hash( parent_node_id, $id_node_root,

This works for the topmenu (first level) but submenu items are same than first level items (http://www.linuxorable.net/ez_test3.7.5/index.php/prive/)

Could you explain me how does work "var=xxx" in this line, for example:

 13     {section var=menu loop=$menuitems}

Another thing: in pagelayout.tpl, it seems that the top menu is included with:

 75     {menu name=TopMenu}

but I don't understand how it works.


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) - http://luxpopuli.fr/eZ-Publish

Pascal France

Wednesday 24 May 2006 2:35:18 am

To solve the problem, I have to set $module_result.path[1] to $module_result.path[2] in line 32 and 33

Now, I would like to use my new double_top.tpl only when users are logged in and use the section X
So, I did a pagelayout.tpl override:

  3 [pagelayout]
  4 Source=pagelayout.tpl
  5 MatchFile=my_pagelayout.tpl
  6 Subdir=templates
  7 Match[section]=X

But how can I define that my_pagelayout.tpl use "my_double_top.tpl" ?
I tried {include uri="design:my_double_top.tpl"} instead of {menu name=TopMenu} but of course, it doesn't work.


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) - http://luxpopuli.fr/eZ-Publish

Pascal France

Wednesday 24 May 2006 4:43:06 am


I did a menu extension and now I can assign my "my_double_top" menu to my private siteaccess.


Ce qui embellit le désert c'est qu'il cache un puits... quelque part... (A. de Saint-Exupéry) - http://luxpopuli.fr/eZ-Publish

Alexandre Cunha

Friday 21 July 2006 5:25:27 pm

Hi Pascal,

Your solution solves part of a problem I have.
Where I can find the extension you have writen ?


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eZ debug

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