Thursday 27 July 2006 1:12:23 am
Sorry about this. Doesn't look like it's hidden elements showing, but the page does look like a combination of admin and user site. I followed the chess-site tutorial, except that I had a clean install and the tutorial is editing an existing install. So when I set default indexpage for mysite to the article as explained in the tutorial, I get the article pluss all the labels like "Title", "Short title", "Intro" ++ and at the bottom of the page I get the "Create article/comment/file/folder" options just like admin interface. I'm kinda lost here so if anyone has some tips, it's greatly appreciated. :) -Bjørn-
Apache 1.3.35
Php 4.4.2
MySQL 4.0.1
EZpub 3.8.2