Thursday 19 June 2003 3:51:34 am
You can configure this in content.ini:
# Default assignment for new related objects, possible values are
# - A Node ID - Place all new objects under this node
# - root - The root of the tree
# - users - The root of the user tree
# - none - Do not place anywhere, the user must then fix the assignment before publishing
# Multiple assignments are separated with commas.
# Overrides for specific classes.
# Each entry is a list of comma separated values, the first is the match
# and the second is the assignment (see above for values)
# Classes are either specified with identifier, ID or group_ID
# The items are searched in order so the first to match will be used,
# this means that class IDs should come before class group IDs.
ClassSpecificAssignment[]=user,user_group;users #ClassSpecificAssignment[]=image;33,37;37 --bård