Tuesday 18 January 2011 11:00:32 am
Is there any other configuration necessary to use: <span>{</span><a href="http://doc.ez.no/set-block" mce_href="http://doc.ez.no/set-block" target="ez_no_documentation"><span>set-block</span></a> <span>scope</span><span>=</span>root <span>variable</span><span>=</span>email_reply_to<span>}</span><span>{</span><span>$collection</span>.<span>data_map</span>.<span>email</span>.<span>content</span><span>}</span><span>{</span><span>/</span><a href="http://doc.ez.no/set-block" mce_href="http://doc.ez.no/set-block" target="ez_no_documentation"><span>set-block</span></a><span>}</span>
I have tried removing the email sender value from the site.ini override and added a static test value between the set-block email_reply_to tags as well, but i'm not having any luck. For testing in collectedinfomail/content/form.tpl I have used the following set-block {set-block scope=root variable=email_reply_to}testof@setblock.com{/set-block} And I tried using the value testof@setblock.com with and without quotes. UPDATE: WORKING NOW I'm not sure what fixed it. I tried adding EmailReplyTo in Mail settings with a blank value and it worked, then removed that line and tried it again and it's still working so I'm not sure what was wrong. But thanks for the addition
Duffy Walsh