Tuesday 01 June 2004 6:18:44 am
Hi there, I'm currently spec'ing up a big design project, and trying to see if Ez is able to deliver these pretty high level functionality specs - I think the answer will be yes... I am setting up a site that sells diamonds and associated products. First question is: is it possible for the product data to be updated via an import of data from a xl spreadsheet. I have seen some references to an EzTrade module that sounds as though it would do the job, but cant find the module...has it turned into the 'shop' tag in Ez version 3?... also, there is the 'plugin' to ERP systems, but I dont think this will interface with something as basic as Excel. Second question: is it possible to customise the admin interface - if I cant import external data, I'd like to give some customised views of products... for instance, a page that lists all the diamonds with their prices and discount rates etc, similar to a spreadsheet, so that the client could go through the list, make changes to any prices etc as required, and then submit price changes in one fail swoop... instead of having to go through each product one by one?? Any ideas, thoughts and feedback of any sort greatly appreciated. Regards, Steve.