Friday 18 July 2003 3:31:50 am
OK, I'm now quite enjoying setting up EZPublish and realising just how powerful it is and having set up a basic site, i'm now trying to do something a little more complex. Simplified, what I have is a set of objects for users and a set of objects for projects. What I want to do is set up a relationship between the an individual project and the users such that when the editor adds a new project, they can assign users in a nice easy way from those in the database. I had a suspicion that this is what the object relation is for and it would seem to work, but as this is all new to me, I was just wanting to check that this was the right way of going about things. It would be nice to limit the choice of objects to those of a particular class, but again I'm not sure if this is possible. They could use the object locator in the object relation datatype, but then they could add any class and I do tend to like to make things foolproof :-) Anyway, any ideas from anybody would be much appreciated, All the best, Ben Pirt