Shurbann Martes
Tuesday 30 December 2003 8:06:51 pm
Usually I would hover over the object in the content folder to see the node-id's, but in the media folder all the urls are written using "url_alias. " How do you get the ID of a certain node (object) in the media folder?
Regards, -Shurbann
Marco Zinn
Thursday 01 January 2004 10:59:28 am
in 3.3, the node and content IDs are printed "readable" in the admin interface... At least for the "content" tab, i'm not sure about the media tab. Plus, you should be able to disable "URL Translation" completly in 3.3, which should give your the "old-fashioned" URLs. Probably, this can be done just for the admin-site, if you wish, but changed the variable "URLTranslation" in a site-design-specific override.
Shurbann Martes
Friday 02 January 2004 9:21:11 am
Hi Marc, I'm still using ez 3.2.4. This version is using the url_alias in the media section and not in the content (still using url the old fashioned way). In the media section the node ID and object ID are not being printed. So the only way is to look them up in the DB. -Shurbann