Wednesday 30 July 2003 11:27:12 am
Hi! I am studying eZ Publish´s template and I have some doubts... I have this in my code (pagelayout_news.tpl IN eZ 3.1 and pagelayout_section_3.tpl for eZ 3.0) The only difference is the 17 to 24 in parent_node_id)
parent_node_id, 17,
limit, 5,
sort_by, array( published, false() ),
class_filter_type, include, class_filter_array, array( 2 )) )
{section name=News loop=$news_list max=1}
{node_view_gui view=menu content_node=$News:item}
</tr> {/section} In ez 3.0, {node_view_gui view=menu content_node=$News:item} works but IN eZ 3.1 does not! Why???? What can I do for this work??
Thanks Leandro