Monday 26 January 2004 5:04:39 pm
Hi I'm having trouble getting ezpublish-3.3-2 to find PDF files after I upload them into the Media folder or a file library section I have created in the Content area. I can upload MSOffice and OpenOffice docs and spreadsheets OK, and they can be downloaded, but I can't download PDF files. A link to a pdf file appears in the correct node (with the correct file name, but 0kb as the size) and there is a copy of the file in /var/site_dirctory/storage/original/text. However, when I try to download it, it get an "Object is unavailable" error. I have checked the permissions on the folders and they are OK (as I can upload, I guess that's obvious). If I re-name a pdf and give it a *.doc or *.sxw extension before uploading it, everything works properly. I had the same problem with eZpublish-3.3-1. I had thought it might be an Apache mime handling problem. I inserted a new AddType application/pdf in the httpd.conf, but that didn't work, either. I'm guessing it's got something to do with eZpublish not recording the new file name of the pdf in the /var directory so that it can retrieve it later, but I have no idea where to start if that is the case. It's got me stumped! Anyone have any bright ideas? Iain MacLean