Tuesday 25 August 2009 9:30:48 am
Yeah it works. EDIT: I tested it in sandbox. above someone said they got this issue...
Every payment that was sent back to eZ Publish got this waiting for server respons 1 of 3.
I debugged and found out that the status was "Pending" because I haven`t mapped up the currency and auto capture was not set to automatic.
the solution offered is incorrect. all you have to do is to make sure that in sandbox, your seller and buyer accounts have "Disabled" for "Payment Review." in other words, all payments are automatically authorized. once you verify these settings, go back to your site and order products. go through the checkout process with your sandbox account. when you complete your sale, click the button on the sandbox site that says take me back to the seller's page. when you go back to your site, you should be presented with an invoice. so it appears that as long as your payments are automatically authorized in paypal, you shouldn't have any issues. anyhoo... I copied all of the files from http://svn.ez.no/svn/extensions/ezpaypal/trunk/ it was pretty tedious. just make sure to take not that anytime you see <b> / </b>whatever-link-name, the "/" indicates that you need to create a folder. no "/" means it's a file. i then uploaded the files to my extensions folder so that they were located in /public_html/ezpublish/extension/ezpaypal I edited /settings/paypal.ini. should be self-explanatory in terms of how to edit it but in case it's not, i've listed what needs to be changed below. for novice folks, any line with a # means that the code is commented out (not active, a notation or for example purposes only). 1. If you don't need to run test sales change this...
to this...
2. then change the seller email on this line
# field: "business"
# e-mail of receiver
3. then change "Some Label" to whatever you want. usually "Custom Instructions"/"Notes to Seller"
# field: "cn"
# label that will appear above the note field
# maximum 40 characters
NoteLabel=<b>Some Label</b>
4. enter your page style. i haven't edited this value yet but you know how you can save a page style so that when someone navigates to your paypal payment page, they will have a custom view with your logo? you created a name for that page. i believe you enter that name here
# field: "page_style"
5. finally, don't forget to add your logo
#filed: "image_url" (URI to the logo image (150 x 50 pixels))
EDIT: I'm not sure if this is necessary but i installed the ib2checkout module before i installed paypal. i'm unsure if you just follow the instructions in the paypal file that it will install correctly. with the 2CO extension you have to go to the admin interface - setup - workflow and add a new workflow and trigger. in other words, you have to add a step during the checkout process that allows you to select a payment method. unless i missed it in the paypal extension instructions, it doesn't tell you to setup a workflow or add a trigger and if that be the case, you should probably follow the instructions in the 2CO file... listed below for easier access...
5. Workflow & Trigger Setup
A) In the eZ publish admin, go to Setup -> Workflows
and click New Workflow Group.
B) Name the group something like "All Payment Gateways" and click OK.
The group will be added to the workflow groups.
C) Click on the group you have just created, and in the
Workflows box click the "New Workflow" button.
1) Name the workflow "Payment Workflow".
3) You will now see an Event select dropdown.
1) Select "Event / Payment Gateway"
2) Confirm you choice by clicking the "Add Event" button
just to the right of the select dropdown.
4) Enter a description "IB 2CheckOut Payment Gateway"
5) Select a type from the multi-select list.
If the extension has been properly installed,
you will see IB 2CheckOut in the new multi-select
box you are presented with.
You can choose, "All" or "IB 2CheckOut" from the multi-select
box to support one or many Payment Gatways.
a) Selecting "All" will allow the customer to select a payment
method for themselves at checkout. This would allow the customer
to pay using either Paypal or 2CheckOut
b) Selecting "IB 2CheckOut" will allow the customer to submit
credit card payment using 2CheckOut
G) Now click on the Triggers link in the left hand menu.
In the table "Workflow Triggers" you will see a list of available triggers.
On the line: shop, sheckout, before, (Workflow Drop Down)
"Click" the dropdown select the payment gateway event
you have just created.
H) After you have followed all these steps, the extension's
workflow settings should be activated, configured and functioning properly.
Aang: Just like the legend says, we let love lead the way.