Saturday 24 May 2003 5:11:12 pm
I've just set up ezPub3 (ezP newbie) and I'm trying to follow the example from the SDK - For instance - i've added a book as the example - and book is shown in the line_class_6.tpl override template, but above the listing, I get: Books
Books Description
Navn Klasse Seksjon <here goes the book info from the db> It looks like it's wrapped into some sort of adminlayout or atleast it's too much information - and it is coming from: {$module_result.content} function.. I grabbed a screenshoot - look here: I don't think I'm wrong in saying that the SDK isn't up to date... I had to make more changes to site.ini files than the sdk told me to, to get where I am now - which isn't very far.. and not to forget changing some user roles for anonymous user to read..