Thursday 18 August 2005 8:32:26 am
I'm trying to solve this for some time now but with no success. I tried everything tha I could think of:
- executing the script with all the --db-* parameteres
- executing with debug on and verbose messages
- executing with --logfiles script parameter
- setting php errorlog on php command line (-d error_log=my_log_file)
- setting log_errors=On and error_reporting=E_ALL in php comand line parameters
- setting permissions to 777 to error log file and it's parrent directory
- running the script with "-s mysiteacces" - changing the default siteacces But there's still no effect. I always get the same result:
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
And no other info is dsiplayed neither in some log file nor on standard output. I looked in the global error log file defined in php.ini and there's nothing there also. Then I did a little manual research (by puttting some echo commands on some points in the script) and found out that the problem occurs on this command (line 101):
$db =& eZDB::instance( $dbImpl, $params, true );
when script is used with --db-* command line parameters, and on this (line108):
$db =& eZDB::instance();
when used without --db-* parameters. Could anyone help me with this. How do I solve this problem, and why there are no errors logged?
Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!
Hubert Farnsworth