Wednesday 14 May 2008 5:18:15 am
Thanks Maxime That looks a lot more like what I understand. "Learn PHP" is unfortunately still on my todo list... As a matter of interest I managed to make the template work using the sequence array method too. I'd be interested to know if you think this is worse, or more inefficient, than your method. I might put both into the documentation as comments in the Matrix section - save myself a lot of time when I need to do this again!
{def $objects = $attribute.content.cells}
{foreach $objects as $object sequence array( 'title', 'location' , 'fallback' , 'image') as $element}
{if eq( $element, 'title')}
{if eq( $element, 'fallback')}
<meta rel='{$element}'>{$object}</meta>
{if eq( $element, 'location')}
<meta rel='type'>flv</meta>
{elseif eq( $element, 'image')}
Paul Bolger