Send 2 emails from a single collector, is it possible?

Author Message

Daniele Conci

Monday 27 December 2010 7:23:14 am

Hi everyone

actually i'm using a form, which uses an override on the template /extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/ collectedinfomail/form.tpl to send an email containing the collected information.

{*?template charset=utf-8?*}
{set-block scope=root variable=subject}

{"Collected information from%1"|i18n("design/ezwebin/collectedinfomail/form" ,,array($|wash))}{/set-block}

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver} {/set-block}
{" THE INFORMATION COLLECTED ARE : "|i18n("design/ezwebin/collectedinfomail/form")}:{foreach $collection.attributes as $attribute}{$attribute.contentclass_attribute_name|wash}:{attribute_result_gui view=info attribute=$attribute}{/foreach}

What i like to add now is an other email destinatary. I tried to modify the following line like this:

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}, {/set-block}

but i verified that's not the right way!

Anyone has a suggestion, or know how to do this?

thanks and best regards,


Edi Modrić

Monday 27 December 2010 8:06:53 am

Hi Daniele,

you can use email_cc_receivers and email_bcc_receivers persistent variables for that purposes.

Try this example (works well for me):

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{/set-block} 

{def $email_cc_receivers=array('', '') scope=root}

eZ Publish certified developer

Thiago Campos Viana

Wednesday 29 December 2010 3:33:21 pm


Hi Daniele,

you can use email_cc_receivers and email_bcc_receivers persistent variables for that purposes.

Try this example (works well for me):

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{/set-block} 

{def $email_cc_receivers=array('', '') scope=root}

wow! If I learnt it before I should never wrote some extensions just for this purpose, maybe the default feedback form ( from ez web interface or ez flow ) could support it out of box.

eZ Publish Certified Developer:


Daniele Conci

Thursday 30 December 2010 12:39:32 am

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{/set-block} 

{def $email_cc_receivers=array('', '') scope=root}

Hi Edi! thanks for replying!

actually this piece of code doesn't work for me. The complete version of my modified template is:

{*?template charset=utf-8?*}
{set-block scope=root variable=subject}{"Collected information from %1"|i18n("design/ezwebin /collectedinfomail/form",,array($|wash))}{/set-block}

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{/set-block}

{def $email_cc_receivers=array('') scope=root}

{"Collected Information : "|i18n("design/ezwebin/collectedinfomail/form")}:
{foreach $collection.attributes as $attribute}
{attribute_result_gui view=info attribute=$attribute}

i tried also some variant for the new line of code:

... {def $email_cc_receivers='' scope=root}

or... {def $email_cc_receiver='' scope=root}

but they does nothing, as they would be empty line. Did i miss something in the code, or should i activate some other option somewhere? The version of EZpublish i'm working on is 4.0.1, should i update it?

thanks a lot again!

EDIT: i found this that should help, but the patch they refer to is for an older version of EZPublish. Is this feature available in 4.0.1? and by the way is there a patch for this? no basic feature?

Daniele Conci

Friday 31 December 2010 12:29:22 am

Solved my-self!

the right line of code to add cc destinatary is :

{set-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers}{/set-block}

nothing more, nothing less. For further destinataries use "append-block" instead of "set-block"



Edi Modrić

Friday 31 December 2010 3:32:50 am


Solved my-self!

the right line of code to add cc destinatary is :

{set-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers}{/set-block}

nothing more, nothing less. For further destinataries use "append-block" instead of "set-block"




Hi Daniele, yes, that code works fine, I knew about it from before, but it only works for one mail. My intention with previous post was to provide a way to have multiple cc and bcc receivers as there's no obvious way to define multiple cc addresses with set-block and append-block.

Weird thing is, now that I'm trying my piece of code again, it doesn't work. And I could've sworn it was working couple of days ago. :(

Kernel supports receiveing email_cc_receivers variable as an array, and if variable is not an array but a string, it just creates the array with PHP array function. So the solution is obviously to find a way to send email_cc_receivers as an array from template and set-block and append-block can't do that, they can only send the string variables.

I've tried the following code on eZ Publish 4.3 & 4.4 and it didn't work:

{set-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers}{/set-block}
{foreach array('', '') as $email}
 {append-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers}{$email}{/append-block}

Now, {set-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers},{/set-block} would be possible with a little kernel hack that replaces the array PHP function with explode PHP function, but I guess that's out of the scope here.

Regarding your question about upgrading eZ Publish, you should definitely do it. 4.0.1 is a version more than two years old.

eZ Publish certified developer

Edi Modrić

Friday 31 December 2010 3:33:33 am


Hi Daniele,

you can use email_cc_receivers and email_bcc_receivers persistent variables for that purposes.

Try this example (works well for me):

{set-block scope=root variable=email_receiver}{/set-block} 

{def $email_cc_receivers=array('', '') scope=root}

wow! If I learnt it before I should never wrote some extensions just for this purpose, maybe the default feedback form ( from ez web interface or ez flow ) could support it out of box.


Yeah, looks like it doesn't work after all :( See my reply to Daniele :)

eZ Publish certified developer

Daniele Conci

Monday 03 January 2011 12:23:25 am

{set-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers}{/set-block}
{foreach array('', '') as $email}
 {append-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers}{$email}{/append-block}

Now, {set-block scope=root variable=email_cc_receivers},{/set-block} would be possible with a little kernel hack that replaces the array PHP function with explode PHP function, but I guess that's out of the scope here.


You are completely right Edi, the problem of my code was exactly about the usage of an array var. So the single string for a single cc recipient works, but append doesn't!



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