Saturday 10 May 2003 7:30:29 am
just found another problem :( my site will have 3 language, now when user sumbit commnet with english it`s ok, but when he submit with another language ez3 also will store it as english content !! 1. is there are any variabel to detect which language the user is browsing ? 2. can ez3 store into DB the content base on with which language the user is browsing ? 3. now my the comments, another inputs is sorting with 3 language, how to sort just on based on the browesed language ?
just idea; once i made site with 2 language, the defualt language stored in session, and every where in the site in user wanna see the content with another language, he just click a link, then the new language code will replace the defualt one, and the redicrect the user the same page with another language. i hope this option will be in the next verions !