Monday 28 March 2005 3:03:00 am
Mark: I know it's late, but I'm just reading your post. An Internal Server Error is a vague error that just says, "I'm broken." First and foremost, you should post the contents of your web server's error logs to the forums. This will at least provide specific information. It sounds like some kind of web server configuration has changed, and this has broken eZ. This is the big problem with shared hosting environments. You host could have implemented any number of security considerations that broke your system as well. If your stuff is still broken (it's the 28th!), please contact me through and I will assist you in fixing your problem. I can assure you it's not eZ Publish that's the problem. I can't think of the last time I got an Internal Server Error out of it on any site. Jonathan
FireBright provides advanced eZ deployment with root access