Friday 19 August 2005 2:34:41 am
Hi! I need to allow users to create a new class, and one of the datatypes will be a text block.
<b>My requirements for the text block is as follows:</b>
<b>1</b> - I need to limit the number of charatcers entered into the text block(for example 250 characters). <i>I know this can be done with text line, but the look of the text line is not very convenient for entering for example a short paragraph of text.</i> Is this possible? Maybe the text line can be changed so it looks like a text block? <b>2</b> - I need to be able to display a count of how many characters have been typed into the text block(while user is typing). Anybody knows if this is possible? Maybe I will have to use Javascript? Thanks in advance for any help!