Sunday 27 August 2006 11:51:11 pm
Hi Petter
As far as I know that automatic Vat charging based n the product category is not available in EZ 3.7.x. Thus you have to assign the correct Vat type to each product when creating/editing it.
So make sure that your book product does have the Vat for books assigned. You can see that at the price attribute of your product object. If it looks fine in the admin view, check what your templates are seeing (although it should be the same). To do this you can inspect the ezprice attribute of your object using the 'attribute' operator. The ezprice attribute has a property selected_vat_type whic tells you the name and the percentage of the applied vat.
So add something like this to your product template: {$node.object.data_map.<the identifier of your price attribute here>.selected_vat_type|attribute('show', 2)} Greetings from Luxembourg Claudia