Monday 21 August 2006 2:16:54 am
I did a standard upgrade, namely:
- unpack 3.8.3
- copy from my site to 3.8.3
- - design/public_access
- - design/admin_access
- - settings/override/*
- - settings/siteaccess/public_access
- - settings/siteaccess/admin_access - - var/* Nothing has changed in var, nor in any of my ini files.
This thread has taught me that the clearing of view caches has changed from 3.7.x to 3.8.x,
with site.ini->SiteAccessSettings->RelatedSiteAccessList being used instead of
content.ini->VersionView->AvailableSiteDesignList. I understand, however, that for the
sake of backwards compatibility, AvailableSiteDesignList is still functional in the cascading ini overwrites.
I have altered my site to use BOTH RelatedSiteAccessList AND AvailableSiteDesignList, so that if, for whatever reason, the array isn't properly filled with the information in RelatedSiteAccessList, at least correct and usefull config data will be available. I have also verified that all folders in var/public_access/cache/content are mod 777 and that all files within are 666.
Everything I am reading and understanding is telling me that when I publish content in the admin interface, at the same time all content view caches should be deleted. This is still not happening.
If I now have to read source code to find out why... par for the course, I guess.
Could you (or anybody who knows) please tell me where I should start reading and/or the specific chain of method calls that lead from content publishing to view cache deletion? Andy