WebDAV -> cannot acces to the content folder

Author Message

laurent le cadet

Wednesday 18 May 2005 2:11:54 am


I install WebDAV and I can see the root folder with content and media.

I can explore the media folder but not the content.

I tried to add :


to webdav.ini, clear the ini cache, log again with no result.

What's wrong ?


Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 18 May 2005 2:57:50 am

Do you get an error message ? What is the webdab explorer you're using ? Does it have the same result with another browser ?

You have a log for webdav on your var/siteaccess/log/webdav.log, it might contains usefull infos too.

Might be related on a problem/bug I've just seen: On some folders, I get an error (with IE 6): "Documents in this folder are not available. [..]".

I think it's related to the content inside it, as it works on some folders, but doesn't in others. Haven't found a clear rule yet.



laurent le cadet

Wednesday 18 May 2005 3:11:09 am

Salut Xavier,

I'm using IE 6.0.2800 and haven't try yet with something else.

The message is about a unexpected error ("Impossible de compléter l'opération en cours car une erruer inattendue s'est produite")

I can't see var/siteaccess/log/webdav.log


Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 18 May 2005 3:53:21 am

Salut Laurent,

Have you enabled the log on the webdav.ini ?

Just to clarify if needed, the path is var/<yoursiteaccess>/log/webdav.log (you should replace the <yoursiteaccess> with the name of your siteaccess.

do you have a var/log/webdav.log file ?

The error message is very helpfull, as often with microsoft ;)


P.S. What's your ez version ?


Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 18 May 2005 4:11:14 am

Me, again,

I think I've found the problem: One of the children of the Content folder probably contains a exotic char, like â é à...

See the bug report : http://ez.no/community/bugs/webdav_and_u

Quick solution: rename the nodes ;(


laurent le cadet

Wednesday 18 May 2005 8:42:23 am


Yes it's a charset problem. I can't browse folders which contain a sub-item with a "special" character.

Has you know, I'm french, and this character are very usefull to be comprehensive.

BUT, I have about 900 content item and 500 media item !!!!!!

So I have to found another solution. The craziest thing is that I can drag/drop a file with a special character but can't browse the folder anymore (???).


I'm running to the bug report.



Xavier Dutoit

Wednesday 18 May 2005 11:38:13 am

I've a working patch. See the bug report to get it.


P.S. Tu me dois une bière ;)


David Lowman

Wednesday 18 May 2005 7:45:09 pm

hmm... I just set up a site with a webdav interface using the tutorial. All worked great in konqueror, but in windows with ie I can see the folders content and media but can't open either- this is a fresh install with dummy content. I also have trouble connecting and seeing the folders at all sometimes. The only coorelation I could draw to special characters would be that I installed with spanish language support, but there is no content en espanol? Yo quiero una cervasa tambien! oiu!

I will try the patch and see if thats it?

ps- version 3.5.2

David Lowman

Wednesday 18 May 2005 8:14:07 pm

Xavier, I am not sure how to apply your patch. in the webdav folder I see 2 files - webdavserver.php and webdavfileserver.php while yours is webdavcontentserver.php.diff ???

Sorry if this is a noob problem, I just don't know what to do now?

kracker (the)

Thursday 19 May 2005 12:39:51 am

a diff file is often referred to as a patch file.

A patch file would contain the differences between two (possibly like) files and the content positions (line numbers) for each lines differences / changes between your file into the file the patch was created from (Xavier's)

Here is some good reading on the subject:

Don't feel too bad, It took me forever to understand and become more familiar and less afraid of them, an I still don't really like to work with them.

The reason (slash excuse) I have for this is there are a very wide range of patch methodologies / styles which turns what we all want to be dead simple into a college course you could minor in ... ;)

happy hacking,

Buck 65 : This Right Here is : Wicked and Weird

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Xavier Dutoit

Thursday 19 May 2005 1:10:28 am

Ola David,

the files are a result of a svn diff. As that's what amos asked me to send for another webdav problem and they call "patch" the files to upload on the bug, I call it patch too.

Vocabulary problems put aside, the first lines of the diffs explains where the file is :

Index: kernel/classes/webdav/ezwebdavcontentserver.php
--- kernel/classes/webdav/ezwebdavcontentserver.php (revision 11876)
+++ kernel/classes/webdav/ezwebdavcontentserver.php (working copy)

In that case, the other file to modify is into kernel/classes/webdav.

The first one is as you've seen in lib/ezwebdav/classes/ezwebdavserver.php

<b>Beware, that's a diff file too (wrong extension), don't simply replate your file with mine.</b>

The lines to add begins with "+", if you don't want to use the diff file directly.

I hope it solves your problem. However, I'm doing a spanish site for a chilean travel agency and I don't have any webdav problem so far (they don't have añy special char ;)



David Lowman

Thursday 19 May 2005 10:07:55 am

Thanks guys for the help and information! I never knew what webdav was, so I ignored the feature for a long time. I assumed it was some type of webservice like soap. Anyway I am really glad i looked into it, it's way too cool!

I am also tinkering with the openoffice extension, also too cool.

Anyway thanks!

laurent le cadet

Tuesday 24 May 2005 12:38:17 am


I was "out" for a while and very happy of the evolution of this thread.
I don't know how and where I can apply the two patches...

I read http://www.network-theory.co.uk/articles/patchintro.html

I understand that it's a modification of ezwebdavserver.php and ezwebdavcontentserver.php and I can change this files directly but I'm not sure where to add/change the differents lines.

Someone can tell me ?



kracker (the)

Tuesday 24 May 2005 1:08:54 am


I speak from experience, sometimes it can be safer to stay out of a thread at times :|

You say: <i>I read ... I don't know how and where I can apply the two patches...</i>

If you have read the article, the next step is to practice this skill in order to understand the process and master the skills required to achieve <i>your</i> goal :|

First backup your entire installation (specifically the code), just in case the next steps do not work your first couple of tries... :)

The neXt step is to create a copy of your original file, the one you wish to 'patch' to a new name (example): <i>kernel/classes/webdav/ezwebdavcontentserver.php.orig</i>

Then you would bring in the suggested patch file into the same directory as the original file and the *.orig file.

Fyi, this requires ssh / shell access to a server with GNU diff / patch installed.

Then 'apply' the patch, here is a ruff example:

patch -p1 -i ezpublish-file-3.64.diff

You can also compare the original file and find the lines mentioned in the diff, in your original file and edit the original file and making the required changes yourself by hand.


<b>FSF : Bradley M Kuhn : Software Freedom and the GNU Generation</b>


Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

laurent le cadet

Tuesday 24 May 2005 1:14:18 am

héhé :)))

Many many thanks.
For the beer, Xavier, I can send you a barrel !



Oree Eyo

Monday 18 July 2005 4:43:50 am

I have no special characters but I still see nothing int Content Or media.
Log files doesn't show any problem...
Any hint ?

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