which template?

Author Message

Kevin Myles

Friday 16 July 2004 2:29:38 pm

I am trying to modify the formating of the bottom toolbar, but i cannot find the proper template.
Sorry for the stupid question, but which tpl file should I modify? I've been looking for a couple days and i've tried modifying the site.ini file to display all the templates used.

Thanks, Kevin.

Stuart DH

Saturday 17 July 2004 2:19:11 am

I take it that you are using one of the demo sites. If so, you need to go to at the bottom of design/base/templates/pagelayout.tpl

Create a duplicate of the template and place it in the design/demositename/override/templates/ folder so that you can tinker with it, override all other templates and yet still have the original to fall back on if you make a mistake.





Kevin Myles

Saturday 17 July 2004 5:52:46 am

thanks for your suggestion, but this is not the template. pagelayout.tpl contains the code to insert the bottom template, but it doesn't include the formatting for the bottom toolbar template. I want to change the formatting of the bottom toolbar.

page layout contains:

    {section show=ezini('Toolbar_bottom','Tool','toolbar.ini')|count}
        <div id="toolbar-bottom">
            <div class="toolbar-design">
                {tool_bar name=bottom view=line}
            </div>{* id="toolbar-design" *}
            <div class="break"></div>
        </div>{* id="toolbar-bottom" *}


i've messed with this code, trying to trick it into thinking i'm using the right toolbar (by switching the div tags, etc.) and i've edited the css sheets, but each bottom toolbox still generates a <li> while the right toolbar doesn't.
i want to get rid of this formatting.

kracker (the)

Saturday 17 July 2004 6:38:17 am

hey kevin,

the template you want to make override templates for are located at:


If your not up to speed on adding custom created override templates to the ini settings, then you will want to use the
admin to create an override of the template to modify to meet your needs.
( http://admin.example.org/setup/templatelist/ , http://example.org/index.php/news_admin/setup/templatelist/ )

The above example links are to give you an idea of the admin url that will take you to the template editor located in the "set up" tab. It's tuff to find the templates manually, so what I do is find the template's relative path

location: design/standard/templates/toolbar/line/
relative: toolbar/line/
example: toolbar/line/line.tpl

Then add it to the url manually like this to load the file to creat an override.

admin (

Hope this helps,


Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Kevin Myles

Saturday 17 July 2004 10:24:42 pm

thanks for your help but i think maybe I wasn't clear enough.
I know how to edit the templates of each individual type of toolbar, i.e. link, node_list, searchbox, etc., and i have successfully modified these as per my wishes, editing the ini file as necessary. However, i need to modify the overall template for the bottom toolbar... your suggestion only allows me to modify the templates for how each individual toolbox is displayed, but i want to change how the overall bottom toolbar (in full view) gets displayed...

the right toolbar somehow has a template somewhere which makes it add div classes "toolbar-right" etc.
the bottom toolbar has a template somewhere which makes it add a <ul> and subsequent <li> and <li class"toolbar=item"> I want to make these go away. so a template somewhere is adding them into the overall code, right?

again, I want the bottom toolbar to be formatted like the right toolbar (i.e. so it's not in a list format). I want to rid the code of the <ul> and <li>'s a tpl file (or something else) adds to every bottom toolbar boxes, but not right toolbar...

I'm sorry for the silly problem. I'm not a web developer by trade but I'm developing this site for my nonprofit human rights organization.
Cheers, Kevin.

kracker (the)

Sunday 18 July 2004 7:35:44 am

Hey Kevin,

Wow, I almost lost it there for a minute.
This one had me stumped for a few hours,
but I couldn't give up, I had to know.

I have to be honest I didn't understand the parts of your post were you said that some toolbars didn't have <ul> or <li> tags yet other toolbars didn't. I understand now, I just don't know entirely why.

Still I did understand a lot more what your trying to do when you said
that it was creating <ul><li class="toolbar-item first"> entries that were not in the toolbar tpl files I previously mentioned. Thank you for the extra details they are always helpful.

So after a lot of template searching in the design/ folder with no hint of <ul> tags. I took it up a notch, to the next level, to the lib/eztemplate classes.

I found the code in the file:

I think you can edit that file edit or remove the tags you don't want.
Why they are in that class file instead of a tpl file I don't know or understand.

Specificly, I think if you change the lines that read:

if ( $toolbarPosition == 'top' or $toolbarPosition == 'bottom' )

with a line like this:

if ( $toolbarPosition == 'top' )

Then the <li> tags will not be used for the bottom toolbar any longer.
Be sure to backup the file eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php , just in case ;)

cp -a lib/eztemplate/classes/eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php lib/eztemplate/classes/eztemplatetoolbarfunction.php.org

Sorry I'm so brief but I am struggling with moving an eZ publish install between to servers. I get an error not documented anywhere on ez.no.

Hope this helps,
Let me know if it does . . .

Hey Kevin I really like your site eZ publish site design!
Did you hire a designer to create it?

Aqua Teen Hunger Force - Dumber Days

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Kevin Myles

Sunday 18 July 2004 3:32:53 pm

it worked!
Thank you soo much and thanks to others who gave suggestions and helped on this problem. Your effort solved a problem that I worked on for literally 30+ hours, and this was I think the second or third time I had asked this question. I should have been more clear but it is a difficult problem. you've helped me fix a significant problem that was a real eyesore on the sight. Anyway, I like putting the toolbar on the front page b/c then users can change the order of the node lists if they want, and you've made this possible.

As for the site design, I hope you're not mocking me:> I am of course going to make some sig changes to the css. I designed it myself, and this is my first real website (i've done personal stuff before, but nothing with a CMS system (though I did use a blogger weblog on my site ;>). it should be going live at the end of the month, once we finish a report on refugees. Unfortunately, due to security concerns, i'm not going to register it as an ez site. A certain country's state security attacks our other websites a lot and I am going to due my best to prevent them from knowing we're using EZ.

Best! Kevin

kracker (the)

Sunday 18 July 2004 5:19:06 pm


Your welcome. I'm glad I could help you out.

I am quite genuine when I say your welcome and when I say I like your site design.

I know all to well how frustrating it is to work on an eZ publish problem that the forums fail to generate a solution that "just works" and to spend 3 - 4 12 hour sessions sitting in one place struggling to find a solution to the smallest of problems. It can be devastating to the psyche, self esteem, and motivation.

I'll pass on this thread & thanks to Stuart DH creator of eZ pub : an eZ publish community breaking ground on documenting solutions for other eZ publish developers. ;) shameless plug for Stuart & the eZ pub - I'm a developer on the eZ pub project. Watch the eZ pub for brand new documentation for eZ publish developers. http://ezpub.co.uk/

I really do like your site design, I am trying to compliment you and the great looking work you have done on your site. Who ever your working for should pay you more, it looks that good. I've seen some really bad eZ publish designs over the years and yours definitely is not one of them.

I would love to create a generic version of your site design to post on the eZ pub site.
We are trying to build a gallery of pre made site designs that others can use to spice up there sites with. The default eZ publish designs are fairly bland. I am wondering if you would be willing to compress your site "design" & "settings" folders into a zip or tgz and email it to me.

I would be sure to strip out all references of your site's domain name and any other details to be sure it wouldn't lead back to your site. I would like to give you credit for the design when If you let us post it to the eZ pub.

You don't have to I would understand if you can't but I just thought . . . quid pro quo, mixed with a bit of the open source community spirit might find you inclined to share a little of your own work back to the community.

Graham Brookins
kracker @ ezpub.co.uk
Ghost in the Shell - M01 Making of Cyborg (Chant I)

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

kracker (the)

Sunday 29 August 2004 9:24:50 pm

Hey Kevin,

It might be validating for you to know that recently lots of people are taking notice to the problems caused by having static html inside the toolbar kernel code, here is a recent thread that talks in more detail about it:



eminem : bad meets evil

Member since: 2001.07.13 || http://ezpedia.se7enx.com/

Powered by eZ Publish™ CMS Open Source Web Content Management. Copyright © 1999-2014 eZ Systems AS (except where otherwise noted). All rights reserved.

eZ debug

Timing: Jan 31 2025 04:27:49
Script start
Timing: Jan 31 2025 04:27:49
Module start 'layout'
Timing: Jan 31 2025 04:27:49
Module start 'content'
Timing: Jan 31 2025 04:27:50
Module end 'content'
Timing: Jan 31 2025 04:27:50
Script end

Main resources:

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Peak memory usage4,096.0000 KB
Database Queries77

Timing points:

CheckpointStart (sec)Duration (sec)Memory at start (KB)Memory used (KB)
Script start 0.00000.0036 588.0078151.1953
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Script end 1.2446  1,889.0703 

Time accumulators:

 Accumulator Duration (sec) Duration (%) Count Average (sec)
Ini load
Load cache0.00280.2278160.0002
Check MTime0.00130.1038160.0001
Mysql Total
Database connection0.00040.031010.0004
Looping result0.00060.0510750.0000
Template Total1.205296.820.6026
Template load0.00210.167420.0010
Template processing1.203196.662620.6015
Template load and register function0.00140.109910.0014
Cache load0.00200.16001070.0000
Sytem overhead
Fetch class attribute can translate value0.00060.044430.0002
Fetch class attribute name0.00190.1543100.0002
Image XML parsing0.00100.080230.0003
Instantiating content class attribute0.00000.0025130.0000
String conversion0.00000.000440.0000
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap

Templates used to render the page:

UsageRequested templateTemplateTemplate loadedEditOverride
1node/view/full.tplfull/forum_topic.tplextension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/full/forum_topic.tplEdit templateOverride template
9content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl<No override>extension/community_design/design/suncana/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tplEdit templateOverride template
22content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tpl<No override>design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/line.tplEdit templateOverride template
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1print_pagelayout.tpl<No override>extension/community/design/community/templates/print_pagelayout.tplEdit templateOverride template
 Number of times templates used: 73
 Number of unique templates used: 7

Time used to render debug report: 0.0001 secs