Friday 11 July 2003 6:53:12 am
This is a small request, but one I think is important, though looked-over by many sites. Could you please reverse the order of the page titles on the site? I have no idea what several of my bookmarks are in my eZ publish folder as most start with "eZ publish - Frontpage / Developer /" and extend beyond the cut-off point of the display area within Netscape. In general this is a bit of a usability issue. I think the users of the site would benefit if you restructured your links to start specific and then display general/global information. So,in my opinion the title tag of a forum post should contain: "Get name of Parent Node / Developer / forum / eZ publish 3 / Developer / Frontpage - eZ publish" instead of: "eZ publish - Frontpage / Developer / eZ publish 3 / forum / Developer / Get name of Parent Node" In an ideal world you would drop the useless 'Frontpage' part of the URL as well as it doesn't provide any real information, whereas the rest of the path provides some information on the categorization of the actual page. It would be great to see the title written like: "Get name of Parent Node / Developer / forum / eZ publish 3 - eZ publish" Thanks, Alex
[ bald_technologist on the IRC channel ( #eZpublish ]
<i>When in doubt, clear the cache.</i>