This article is intended for eZ Publish developers who are comfortable working with PHP and eZ Publish settings. The solution as a whole is not that complicated within the eZ Publish framework, but it touches upon many eZ Publish concepts. To get the most out of this article, you should first have some basic knowledge about: the content model; sections and user permissions; workflows; and the webshop (regarding the webshop, see also Chapter 15 of the book eZ Publish Advanced Content Management. It would also be handy if you have experience setting up some simple extensions.
You should also have an eZ Publish 4.1 installation to work with, although the concepts and procedures should be similar for other versions. This article uses eZ Publish 4.1.3 with the Website Interface.
In order to properly test the installation of the eZ PayPal extension, you must have a website with a publicly accessible address. This is explained later in the article.
Before we delve into any code or even content, let's consider how we want the process to look from the buyer perspective.
This is rather straightforward from the buyer's perspective. Let's now consider what we will need to do to achieve this.
Our example site will sell PDF books, giving buyers the advantage of getting the book cheaper and faster, and removing the need for us to ship the books.
In preparation for the following steps and to ease the testing process, log in to the Administration Interface as an Administrator user, and create a user under the Members user group. This article will name this user "Test User". This user will be your test buyer.
Test User
A default Website Interface installation comes with a basic "Product" class, consisting of at least a name, a description, an image, and a price. The "Price" attribute is what makes the content object a recognized product in the webshop, and the other attributes are useful for descriptive purposes.
For simplicity, we will assume that every product on our site represents a digital download. Therefore, we will modify the existing "Product" class in order to associate a file with each Product object.
Sign in to the Administration Interface using the Administrator user account and go to the "Setup > Classes" page. Then, click to view the classes in the "Content" class group. In the list of classes, click the "Edit" icon for the "Product" class.
Product Class
At the bottom of the "Class edit" interface for the "Product" class, add a new attribute of the "Object relation" type. Name the attribute "Download file" with an identifier "download". For our purposes, we will make this attribute required but not searchable.
Download File Attribute
The reason why we are using an attribute of the "Object relation" datatype is so that we can store the actual files in a location of the content tree separate from products. The products can be viewed by everybody, but access to the download files will, by default, be prohibited to the general public and granted to buyers as needed.
A good place to put the download files is in the media library, as the general public cannot browse that section through the front-end of the site, and the fact that it is separate from the rest of the content makes for better organization. Therefore, create a "Folder" object called "Downloads" in the media library.
Under the "Downloads" folder, create a "File" object, uploading the file for a book you are selling.
Media Library Downloads Folder
Since we are using a Website Interface install we can use the existing products location and templates. Browse to the "Content structure" tab in the Administration Interface, click to the "Products" folder, then create a sub-item folder called "Books". Under the "Books" folder, create a "Product" object. Give it whatever name, description, price, and image you want. When it comes to the "Download file" attribute, add the "File" object you created above as the related object.
Download File Related Object
Once you have published your book product, view it on the front-end of the site, noting that the download file is not used by the template and thus not publicly displayed.
Book Product
Now, log in to the front-end of the site using the Test User account you previously created. If you try to access the file directly on the front end (through a URL such as ""), you should get an "Access denied" error.
Now, let's create create a role that will provide access to the files associated with purchased products. Under the "User accounts" tab in the Administration Interface, click the "Roles and policies" link in the left menu. Then, create a new role called "Pay-per-download" that has a policy giving permission to the "read" function of the "content" module under the "Media" section.
Pay Per Download Role
This is a broad role that we will assign per-user, per-product using the subtree limitation. This assignment will be done automatically at the end of the checkout process. However, you can test this by assigning the role to the "Test User" account, with a subtree limitation of the "File" object you created.
Role Assignment
Then, see whether that Test User user can access "". When you have confirmed this, remove the role assignment.
Now that we've set up the content and permission structure for our pay-per-download functionality, we can move on to the next step, which is installing a payment gateway.
As there is already an in-depth article on installing a payment gateway (specifically, for eZ Authorize), this article will skip most of the theory and focus on the practical steps.
In our example, we are requiring buyers to pay via PayPal before they can access the downloadable products. The eZ PayPal account is a workflow event that will be triggered at the correct step in the checkout process. It will handle the payment process on the PayPal site and return to the example site upon successful payment.
When setting up any sort of PayPal integration with a website, it is useful to sign up for a free PayPal Sandbox account. With such an account, you can create a test buyer and test seller account and buy all the example products you want! Make sure you have a PayPal Sandbox account before continuing, as you will need to use some test PayPal accounts shortly.
Note that in order to properly test the PayPal integration, you must also do your testing on a website that has a publicly available address (that is, it cannot just be "localhost") in order for the PayPal website to be able to communicate back.
The eZ PayPal extension can be downloaded at
Place the contents of that "trunk" folder into the folder extension/ezpaypal in your eZ Publish installation. Then, activate the extension globally in settings/override/site.ini.append.php, adding it to the "ActiveExtensions" list:
[ExtensionSettings] ActiveExtensions[] ActiveExtensions[]=ezpaypal
The eZ PayPal extension also has some of its own settings in extension/ezpaypal/settings/paypal.ini. The only ones that we need to worry about for now are the PayPal server name (which we will set to the PayPal Sandbox server) and the test PayPal seller account:
[ServerSettings] #ServerName= ServerName= RequestURI=/cgi-bin/webscr # field: "business" # e-mail of receiver
A final requirement of the eZ PayPal extension is that you force buyers on your site to have eZ Publish user accounts. To do so, make sure that the webshop account handler is set to "ezdefault" in settings/override/shopaccount.ini.append.php:
[AccountSettings] Handler=ezdefaultan
To ensure that all of these configurations take effect, clear all caches, either from the right side of the Administration Interface, or on the command line from the root of your install:
php bin/php/ezcache.php –clear-all
As is the usual process with eZ Publish 4.0 and higher, you must now re-generate the autoloads file, either on the Setup > Extensions page in the Administration Interface, or on the command line from the root of your install:
php bin/php/ezpgenerateautoloads.php -e -p
("-e" to generate the extension autoloads and "-p" -- available in eZ Publish 4.1 and higher -- to show a nice progress bar)
Although the eZ PayPal extension is now activated and ready to use, you must also instruct eZ Publish on when to actually run it. This is where we will plug it into the workflow system. This involves creating a workflow group, creating the workflow, and assigning it to run at the appropriate trigger; all of this is done in the Administration Interface.
First, on the "Setup > Workflows" page, click the "New workflow group" button. Name the workflow group "Payment gateways". Workflow groups serve only to organize workflows.
When viewing the new workflow group, click the "New workflow" button. Name the workflow "Payment and Fulfillment", select "Event / Payment Gateway" from the dropdown list, and click the "Add event" button.
Payment and Fulfillment Workflow
Select the "Paypal" type, add a useful description, then click the "OK" button.
Your new workflow can now be assigned to the appropriate trigger. Click the "Triggers" link in the left menu, then select "Payment and Fulfillment" as the workflow to run before the "checkout" function of the "shop" module.
Shop Checkout Before Trigger
To make sure that your PayPal workflow is running properly, you can buy your PDF product using your Test User account. However, first log in to your PayPal Sandbox account.
After you add the PDF product to the shopping cart, proceed to check out, and click the "Confirm" button, you should be redirected to the PayPal Sandbox site, prompting you to log in and pay for the product (using your test PayPal account).
With the permissions structure in place, we need to create the workflow event that will assign buyers the correct role with the correct limitation when they have checked out. We need to create a workflow extension that will be triggered after the buyer has paid.
The framework for a workflow extension is quite straightforward, including the following extension file and folder structure (beneath eZ Publish's "extension" folder):
payperdownload -- eventtypes ---- event ------ payperdownload -------- payperdownloadtype.php -- settings ---- workflow.ini.append.php ---- payperdownload.ini
In workflow.ini.append.php within your extension, you need to refer to the extension directory itself as containing (a) workflow event(s), and specify the name of the event, prefixed by "event_":
<?php /* #?ini charset="utf-8"? [EventSettings] ExtensionDirectories[]=payperdownload AvailableEventTypes[]=event_payperdownload */ ?>
payperdownloadtype.php will contain all of the code you want to execute when the workflow is triggered. For now, we will just set up the framework for the class using some boilerplate code:
<?php class PayPerDownloadType extends eZWorkflowEventType { const WORKFLOW_TYPE_STRING = "payperdownload"; public function __construct() { parent::__construct( self::WORKFLOW_TYPE_STRING, ezi18n( 'kernel/workflow/event', 'Pay Per Download' ) ); $this->setTriggerTypes( array( 'shop' => array( 'checkout' => array( 'before' ) ) ) ); } public function execute( $process, $event ) { // Important code will go here return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED; } } eZWorkflowEventType::registerEventType( PayPerDownloadType::WORKFLOW_TYPE_STRING, 'PayPerDownloadType' ); ?>
The "PayPerDownloadType" function defines the workflow event and specifies the trigger(s) for which it is meant. The "execute" function will contain all of our important code to assign the role based on the product(s) purchased. We will write this code shortly. The last line in the file registers our event with eZ Publish.
For now our code does nothing, of course, but we should first make sure that our framework works before we proceed.
The extension is activated as is the normal process in site.ini.append.php, and we will do this in that file in settings/override:
[ExtensionSettings] ActiveExtensions[] # ... other extensions are also activated in this list ActiveExtensions[]=payperdownload
You should also clear the cache and regenerate the autoloads file.
We want our event to directly follow the PayPal payment event, and will actually use the same workflow. Go to "Setup > Workflows" in the Administration Interface click the "Payment gateways" workflow group, then edit the "Payment and Fulfillment" workflow. Add an event of the "Event / Pay per download" type in this workflow.
As our workflow event doesn't really do anything yet, you shouldn't notice any difference when you use your "Test User" account to purchase a product. However, if you were able to add an event of the "Pay Per Download" type in the Administration Interface, that means that eZ Publish has recognized your workflow extension.
Now we will program the heart of our workflow extension, using the eZ Publish API and the variables that were passed to the "execute" function (in eventtypes/events/payperdownload/payperdownloadtype.php in your extension) to perform the role assignment(s). The process of writing this code from scratch would involve browsing through the API and piece by piece code testing (using functions like var_dump(), die(), eZExecution::cleanExit() as needed), which we will not delve into. However, if you are a relative beginner to the eZ Publish API, it is worth browsing through the class lists and definitions to see all that is possible, as you have even more possibilities when you're calling eZ Publish classes in PHP land than with eZ Publish template operators. The classes are named intuitively, and the methods are grouped well and explained in quite a lot of detail. Be sure to take the time to explore the classes, methods, and attributes used in this article.
The last part of our code is where we will start. Before the workflow is accepted and finished running, we do the actual role assignment(s) using the eZRole::assignToUser method:
$role = eZRole::fetch( $roleID ); $role->assignToUser( $userID, $limitIdentifier, $limitValue); eZRole::expireCache();
The first line creates an eZRole object when supplied a role ID. The second line assigns that role to a specified user, with a given limitation type ("Subtree" or "Section"; this will be "Subtree" in our case), and the actual limitation value, which is a path of node IDs to the download file. The last line clears the role cache.
There is quite a bit more code to go, but it is all related to supplying the correct values for the variables used in the parameters above:
There are a few variables that will be consistent for every pay-per-download role assignment. We can define these in an INI file and then call those values in our workflow event. In settings/payperdownload.ini within your extension, enter the following:
<?php /* #?ini charset="utf-8"? [PayPerDownloadSettings] # Which role contains the policy for pay-per-download? RoleID=6 # Which content classes (by identifier) contain pay-per-download files? ContentClasses[] ContentClasses[]=product # Which attribute (by identifier) of the above class contains the pay-per-download file? Attributes[] Attributes[product]=download */ ?>
If you used the same basic Website Interface install that this article used, your "Pay per download" role with have an ID of 6. Be sure to double check what the relevant role ID is on your installation by viewing the role in the Administration Interface. The URL should end in "role/view/<role_id>".
We will access these settings, as well as define the limitation type and user ID, near the top of our "execute" function. Our function should now look like this:
public function execute( $process, $event ) { $ini = eZINI::instance( 'payperdownload.ini' ); // Which role contains the policy for pay-per-download? $roleID = $ini->variable( 'PayPerDownloadSettings', 'RoleID' ); // Which content class (by identifier) contains the pay-per-download file? $contentClasses = $ini->variable( 'PayPerDownloadSettings', 'ContentClasses' ); // Which attribute (by identifier) of the above class contains the pay-per-download file? // Note that this is in an array because later we will pass it to fetchAttributesByIdentifier $attributes = $ini->variable( 'PayPerDownloadSettings', 'Attributes' ); // We want the limit identifier to be by subtree $limitIdentifier = 'Subtree'; // Get the current user $userID = $process->UserID; /* Not going to use these yet // Create the role object $role = eZRole::fetch( $roleID ); // Assign the role $role->assignToUser( $userID, $limitIdentifier, $limitValue); // Clear the role cache eZRole::expireCache(); */ return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED;
Note the appropriate calls to create an instance of our INI file and to access the variables within the INI file. We were also able to access the user ID from the $process object, which is supplied as part of the standard workflow event framework.
From the list of variables that we need to do the role assignment, we are left with the undefined limitation value.
Recall the the limitation value will be a path of node IDs to the download file, so that the user can download the file associated with each product. Let's take a moment to map out how we are going to get that path:
Information about the current order is also available in the already supplied $process object, as you will see below. The rest of the code is explained within the comments.
[...] // Get the current user $userID = $process->attribute( 'user_id' ); // Get the order ID so that we can find out what objects there were $parameters = $process->attribute( 'parameter_list' ); $orderID = $parameters['order_id']; // Get the order $thisOrder = eZOrder::fetch( $orderID ); // Create the role object $role = eZRole::fetch( $roleID ); // Loop through each product to see whether it's relevant for role assignment foreach ($thisOrder->productItems() as $thisProduct) { $classIdentifier = $thisProduct["item_object"]->ContentObject->attribute( 'class_identifier' ); // Is this in the list of downloadable products? if( in_array( $classIdentifier, $contentClasses ) ) { // We have a match, so the last thing we need to do is to fetch the node of the file // First we want to grab the object so that we can get at its attributes $thisObject = $thisProduct["item_object"]->ContentObject; $dataMap = $thisObject->fetchAttributesByIdentifier( array( $attributes[$classIdentifier] ) ); // There should only be one $dataMap item, so get the path of that foreach( $dataMap as $dataMapAttribute) { $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByContentObjectID($dataMapAttribute->attribute( 'data_int' ); // We're only after the main node $limitValue = $node[0]->attribute( 'path_string' ); } // Assign the role $role->assignToUser( $userID, $limitIdentifier, $limitValue); } } // Clear the role cache eZRole::expireCache(); [...]
The additional API code used above involves the following classes:
Notice that the limitation value for each downloadable file is finally defined here:
// We're only after the main node $limitValue = $node[0]->attribute( 'path_string' );
The role assignment is then performed for each downloadable file.
Your complete "execute" function should now look like this:
public function execute( $process, $event ) { $ini = eZINI::instance( 'payperdownload.ini' ); // Which role contains the policy for pay-per-download? $roleID = $ini->variable( 'PayPerDownloadSettings', 'RoleID' ); // Which content class (by identifier) contains the pay-per-download file? $contentClasses = $ini->variable( 'PayPerDownloadSettings', 'ContentClasses' ); // Which attribute (by identifier) of the above class contains the pay-per-download file? // Note that this is in an array because later we will pass it to fetchAttributesByIdentifier $attributes = $ini->variable( 'PayPerDownloadSettings', 'Attributes' ); // We want the limit identifier to be by subtree $limitIdentifier = 'Subtree'; // Get the current user $userID = $process->attribute( 'user_id' ); // Get the order ID so that we can find out what objects there were $parameters = $process->attribute( 'parameter_list' ); $orderID = $parameters['order_id']; // Get the order $thisOrder = eZOrder::fetch($orderID); // Create the role object $role = eZRole::fetch( $roleID ); // Loop through each product to see whether it's relevant for role assignment foreach ($thisOrder->productItems() as $thisProduct) { $classIdentifier = $thisProduct["item_object"]->ContentObject->attribute( 'class_identifier' ); // Is this in the list of downloadable products? if( in_array( $classIdentifier, $contentClasses ) ) { // We have a match, so the last thing we need to do is to fetch the node of the file // First we want to grab the object so that we can get at its attributes $thisObject = $thisProduct["item_object"]->ContentObject; $dataMap = $thisObject->fetchAttributesByIdentifier( array( $attributes[$classIdentifier] ) ); // There should only be one $dataMap item, so get the path of that foreach( $dataMap as $dataMapAttribute) { $node = eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetchByContentObjectID( $dataMapAttribute->attribute( 'data_int' ) ); // We're only after the main node $limitValue = $node[0]->attribute( 'path_string' ); } // Assign the role $role->assignToUser( $userID, $limitIdentifier, $limitValue); } } // Clear the role cache eZRole::expireCache(); return eZWorkflowType::STATUS_ACCEPTED; }
You can now test your workflow event by buying the book product you created. Use the "Test User" account on the front-end, add the product to your shopping cart, initiate the checkout process, then pay for the product using your PayPal Sandbox test buyer account. Then, log in to the Administration Interface using your Administrator user account, navigate to the "Pay-per-download" role, and see that it has been assigned correctly. The "Test User" should be using the "Pay-per-download" role, limited to the download file.
You can also test this by seeing if the Test User account can access "".
We tested that our role assignment works by having our "Test User" account purchase a product and manually access the path to the download file node from the media library. However, this is not a reasonable use case. At the very least, we'd want to give the buyer links to download their purchases. And to be more user friendly, the links should lead directly to the downloadable file – not to an intermediary page.
Note: In this section, we will discuss modifying certain templates. However, when modifying any existing templates (from, for example, the Website Interface design or the standard design), it is best practice to create your own design extension containing copies that take precedence over the original templates.
When a buyer has completed the checkout process, eZ Publish will e-mail the order details to the buyer and to the site administrator. Within this e-mail is an itemized list of purchases:
Product items 1x eZ Publish Advanced Content Management $15.00: $15.00 Subtotal of items: $15.00
Beneath each downloadable item, we will add a download link. The order e-mail template in question is located at design/base/templates/shop/orderemail.tpl. We will copy this file to our design extension in order to edit it. Currently, the code to loop through each purchase is as follows:
{section name=ProductItem loop=$order.product_items show=$order.product_items sequence=array(bglight,bgdark)} {$ProductItem:item.item_count}x {$ProductItem:item.object_name} {$ProductItem:item.price_inc_vat|l10n( 'currency', $locale, $symbol )}: {$ProductItem:item.total_price_inc_vat|l10n( 'currency', $locale, $symbol )} {/section}
We will replace this code with this:
{foreach $order.product_items as $item} {$item.item_count}x {$item.object_name} {$item.price_inc_vat|l10n( 'currency', $locale, $symbol )}: {$item.total_price_inc_vat|l10n( 'currency', $locale, $symbol )} {def $download_classes = ezini('PayPerDownloadSettings', 'ContentClasses', 'payperdownload.ini')} {if $download_classes|contains($item.item_object.contentobject.class_identifier)} {def $download_attributes = ezini('PayPerDownloadSettings', 'Attributes', 'payperdownload.ini')} {def $download_attribute = $download_attributes[$item.item_object.contentobject.class_identifier]} - Download: {concat('http://', ezini('SiteSettings', 'SiteURL', 'site.ini'), '/content/download/',$item.item_object.contentobject.data_map.$,'/',$item.item_object.contentobject.data_map.$|ezurl('no')} {undef $download_attributes} {undef $download_attribute} {/if} {/foreach}
The code uses very similar logic to the workflow extension that we created in order to loop through each purchased product, see whether it is a downloadable product, and if so, access the node of the download file. Here, we are building a link to the "download" view of the "content" module, which is a special view that prompts the user through their browser to either download or save the file instead of showing a page. That view takes two parameters: the ID of the object in question, and the ID of the attribute containing the file. This is more efficient, user-friendly, and secure than linking to the page representing the download file's node in the media library. The e-mail text should now look something like this:
Product items 1x eZ Publish Advanced Content Management $15.00: $15.00 - Download: Subtotal of items: $15.00
The same download link from the confirmation e-mail should also be given on the order confirmation page (the last page shown in the checkout process). The default file used, and to be overridden in a design extension, is located at extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/shop/orderview.tpl. The existing code loops through each purchased product in a table:
{foreach $order.product_items as $product_item sequence array( 'bglight', 'bgdark' ) as $style} <tr class="{$style}"> <td> <a href={concat( "/content/view/full/", $product_item.node_id )|ezurl}>{$product_item.object_name}</a> </td>
We will add to that code to show the "content/download" links for each downloadable product:
{foreach $order.product_items as $product_item sequence array( 'bglight', 'bgdark' ) as $style} <tr class="{$style}"> <td> <a href={concat( "/content/view/full/", $product_item.node_id )|ezurl}>{$product_item.object_name}</a> {def $download_classes = ezini('PayPerDownloadSettings', 'ContentClasses', 'payperdownload.ini')} {if $download_classes|contains($product_item.item_object.contentobject.class_identifier)} {def $download_attributes = ezini('PayPerDownloadSettings', 'Attributes', 'payperdownload.ini')} {def $download_attribute = $download_attributes[$product_item.item_object.contentobject.class_identifier]} <br /> - Download: <a href={concat('content/download/',$product_item.item_object.contentobject.data_map.$,'/',$product_item.item_object.contentobject.data_map.$|ezurl()}>{$product_item.item_object.contentobject.data_map.$}</a> {undef $download_attributes} {undef $download_attribute} {/if} </td>
This will product a result similar to the screenshot below:
The pay-per-download solution is now complete!
This article has provided a working framework for a pay-per-download solution on eZ Publish. However, there are many ways that you could improve or customize it to suit your needs.
The eZ Publish "shop" module has a view for an order history intended for site administrators to view all orders made on the site. Therefore, it is not suitable to allow normal users to access this view. However, you can create your own module and view based on what eZ Publish already provides, in order to show a user only their order history. A sample module called "orderhistory" is provided in the sample extension download (see below).
You can link to its "view" view (which takes one parameter: the user's ID) of such an order history module in another template, such as in a user's "My profile" page.
With the workflow extension as a starting point, here are a couple of the many other use cases for a pay-per-download solution that you could add with some extra coding:
Here are some limitations of the example extension and some hints on how to overcome them:
Click here to download the example pay-per-download extension.
Thanks to Lukasz Serwatka for the technical editing on the article!
Timing: | Jan 18 2025 02:11:35 |
Script start | |
Timing: | Jan 18 2025 02:11:35 |
Module start 'layout' | |
Timing: | Jan 18 2025 02:11:35 |
Module start 'content' | |
Timing: | Jan 18 2025 02:11:36 |
Module end 'content' | |
Timing: | Jan 18 2025 02:11:36 |
Script end |
Total runtime | 0.3067 sec |
Peak memory usage | 4,096.0000 KB |
Database Queries | 86 |
Checkpoint | Start (sec) | Duration (sec) | Memory at start (KB) | Memory used (KB) |
Script start | 0.0000 | 0.0054 | 589.0547 | 152.6250 |
Module start 'layout' | 0.0054 | 0.0027 | 741.6797 | 39.4609 |
Module start 'content' | 0.0081 | 0.2971 | 781.1406 | 1,084.0859 |
Module end 'content' | 0.3053 | 0.0014 | 1,865.2266 | 52.8438 |
Script end | 0.3066 | 1,918.0703 |
Accumulator | Duration (sec) | Duration (%) | Count | Average (sec) |
Ini load | ||||
Load cache | 0.0032 | 1.0571 | 16 | 0.0002 |
Check MTime | 0.0015 | 0.4740 | 16 | 0.0001 |
Mysql Total | ||||
Database connection | 0.0009 | 0.3059 | 1 | 0.0009 |
Mysqli_queries | 0.0762 | 24.8604 | 86 | 0.0009 |
Looping result | 0.0006 | 0.2104 | 84 | 0.0000 |
Template Total | 0.2778 | 90.6 | 2 | 0.1389 |
Template load | 0.0022 | 0.7095 | 2 | 0.0011 |
Template processing | 0.2756 | 89.8749 | 2 | 0.1378 |
Template load and register function | 0.0003 | 0.0900 | 1 | 0.0003 |
states | ||||
state_id_array | 0.0084 | 2.7454 | 16 | 0.0005 |
state_identifier_array | 0.0087 | 2.8336 | 17 | 0.0005 |
Override | ||||
Cache load | 0.0064 | 2.0797 | 268 | 0.0000 |
Sytem overhead | ||||
Fetch class attribute name | 0.0020 | 0.6633 | 16 | 0.0001 |
Fetch class attribute can translate value | 0.0001 | 0.0419 | 15 | 0.0000 |
class_abstraction | ||||
Instantiating content class attribute | 0.0000 | 0.0093 | 16 | 0.0000 |
XML | ||||
Image XML parsing | 0.0231 | 7.5195 | 15 | 0.0015 |
General | ||||
dbfile | 0.0194 | 6.3301 | 70 | 0.0003 |
String conversion | 0.0000 | 0.0033 | 4 | 0.0000 |
Note: percentages do not add up to 100% because some accumulators overlap |
Usage | Requested template | Template | Template loaded | Edit | Override |
1 | node/view/full.tpl | full/article.tpl | extension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/full/article.tpl | ||
1 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl | <No override> | extension/community_design/design/suncana/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltext.tpl | ||
24 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/header.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/header.tpl | ||
14 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/link.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/link.tpl | ||
66 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl | <No override> | extension/ezwebin/design/ezwebin/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/paragraph.tpl | ||
7 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/newpage.tpl | <No override> | extension/community/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/newpage.tpl | ||
10 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/li.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/li.tpl | ||
1 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ol.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ol.tpl | ||
6 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ul.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ul.tpl | ||
15 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/embed.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/embed.tpl | ||
15 | content/view/embed.tpl | embed/image.tpl | extension/sevenx/design/simple/override/templates/embed/image.tpl | ||
15 | content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl | <No override> | extension/sevenx/design/simple/templates/content/datatype/view/ezimage.tpl | ||
21 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/emphasize.tpl | <No override> | design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/emphasize.tpl | ||
21 | content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tpl | <No override> | extension/community/design/standard/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/literal.tpl | ||
1 | print_pagelayout.tpl | <No override> | extension/community/design/community/templates/print_pagelayout.tpl | ||
Number of times templates used: 218 Number of unique templates used: 15 |
Time used to render debug report: 0.0002 secs