Changelog for Thursday 28th of January 2010
Wednesday 27 January 2010 4:00:07 pm
- Currently 3 out of 5 Stars.
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Status of Enhancement #015778 (No shortening of topic titles in the topic lists) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015778 (No shortening of topic titles in the topic lists) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015755 (The search box should be relocated as it often disappears) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015795 (Comment/discussion post counts for article/blog/tutorial list views) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015795 (Comment/discussion post counts for article/blog/tutorial list views) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015803 (Comment line views under blog posts or articles have some poor HTML/CSS, don't seem comments) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015803 (Comment line views under blog posts or articles have some poor HTML/CSS, don't seem comments) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015856 (All articles are missing images) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015856 (All articles are missing images) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015760 (Forum RSS feed) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
New link (#001395):
#015760 (Forum RSS feed)
incorporates #016079 (Have an RSS feed for a search, in order to be notified when something new regarding one given topic pops up in the whole content) by Nicolas Pastorino
New Enhancement - #016079: Have an RSS feed for a search, in order to be notified when something new regarding one given topic pops up in the whole content by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Bug #015797 (Text field for reply is often too small) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015826 (Forum refinements) has been set to Closed by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015826 (Forum refinements) has been set to Assigned by Nicolas Pastorino
Status of Enhancement #015826 (Forum refinements) has been set to New by Nicolas Pastorino