Blogs / eZ
Posts from eZ, for the community.
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Monday 20 June 2011 11:11
by Nicolas Pastorino | 5 comments
Right back from the most memorable edition of the eZ Conference, London, 16th & 17th of June, i thought i'd give you guys a small recap. Read on !
Thursday 23 September 2010 09:38
by Nicolas Pastorino | 6 comments
The eZ Publish Community portal is now even more yours than before. Continuously opening-up, it now lets you have your own blog in here. Read on for all details.
Thursday 25 August 2011 05:07
by Nicolas Pastorino | 0 comments
Appealing headline ?
Read the full offer there :
Tuesday 26 July 2011 06:04
by Nicolas Pastorino | 11 comments
After an announce in my opening talk in the Community track at the eZ Conference 2011, the eZ Roadmap project is opened-up today. Read-on, this new tool is awesome.
Friday 08 July 2011 05:50
by Geir Arne Waaler | 7 comments
In his brilliant speech at this year's eZ Summer Conference in London, Tony Wood mentioned the eZ book production, and how much he would like to see it back.
Wednesday 15 June 2011 03:13
by Robin Muilwijk | 3 comments
We are repeating what we did on the previous Conference in Nice, we are streaming all Community/Developer talks through UStream. So if you are not at the Conference itself, tune in on our channel at
Thursday 12 May 2011 10:34
by Nicolas Pastorino | 1 comment
I promised you a bunch of nice surprises, right ? Here they are :) Read on and register if you've not done it yet !
Wednesday 25 May 2011 01:38
A webinar will be held in French, on Thursday, May 26th, 9:30 - 11:00 CET about eZ Publish in the media vertical.
Thursday 19 May 2011 01:15
by Geir Arne Waaler | 1 comment
What is a good start? Jokingly they say: "Ten thousand lawyers at the bottom of the ocean". My version of a good start is the new FAQ we published recently.
Wednesday 18 May 2011 07:21
Join Trygve Øisjøfoss (CEO 07 Web) in this Webinar and learn about the possibilities to connect the classical print channel and the online channel in an effective and measurable way.
Wednesday 27 April 2011 07:16
EDIT : the first bits of the program was unveiled, check it out : eZ Conference 2011 : preview of the program unveiled !
The 2011 edition of the eZ Conference will take place in London, after Berlin in 2010, and the Nice winter edition in January this year. Read on to know what is coming-up.
Thursday 05 May 2011 10:00
by Nicolas Pastorino | 2 comments
After the initial announce one week ago, the first bits of the eZ Conference program are unveiled. And it already rocks. Read-on for more.
Tuesday 26 April 2011 04:49
by Nicolas Pastorino | 4 comments
After PHP UK last February, we are paying two new visits to our neighbor community : PHP. Read on for more details.
Wednesday 20 April 2011 01:49
by Geir Arne Waaler | 10 comments
The eZ Publish documentation has always been a shared effort with many different contributors putting word on word, code snippet on code snippet. Slowly it has evolved into what it is today, an information highway. The standards and quality of this highway can and should be discussed, and it can surely only be evaluated by its users.
Monday 04 April 2011 07:33
All you need to know on the open positions lies there :
Wednesday 30 March 2011 05:30
For Spanish-speaking community members, a seminar organized by Smile and eZ Systems will be taking place in Barcelona on April 12th.
Tuesday 29 March 2011 01:45
The API docs server has changed, read-on !
Tuesday 26 October 2010 07:51
by Ole Marius Smestad | 5 comments
We have an exciting piece of news in store for you. Actually some of you might have noticed it already, that ezpublish is no longer the only repository under the ezsystems umbrella on Github:
Now, you will also find the repositories for all of the extensions we ship with eZ Publish, right there next to it. After migrating eZ Publish itself over to github earlier this year, this is something our development team is pretty thrilled about.
Friday 18 March 2011 06:24
Taking place in London, on February 25th, at the Business Design Center, this 5th edition was yet another successful one. Read on for a brief summary.
Monday 28 February 2011 08:30
Greetings all, about three months ago a team of researchers came to me wanting to learn more about the community and we posted a survey asking you about how we can make the eZ Community the killer community.
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