Migration of pubsvn.ez.no finished
Tuesday 29 March 2011 1:45:58 am
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The API docs server has changed, read-on !
A quick note to let you know that Gaetano did a great job in refreshing the API doc server. Initially started by a survey for all users of this platform, http://pubsvn.ez.no now proposes API doc under the phpDoc format, on top of the previously (and still) available Doxygen format. They are built off github's sources (https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish) now. The quality and level of completion of this API doc is increasing daily. It will also be heavily face-lifted when the new eZ Publish API is released.
A SVN repository used to exist on this server, ancestor of projects.ez.no. It had been made read-only 3 years ago, and was now turned into a simple directory listing, keeping sources available : http://pubsvn.ez.no/community/
We hope you like it,