Blogs / Gaetano Giunta
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Saturday 23 July 2011 03:34
by Gaetano Giunta | 2 comments
Every developer who has come in contact with eZ for even a short moment knows what you are talking about if you mention "settings hell": a vast number of configuration settings files that can be spread over many, many directories.
Who has not spent at least a couple of hours pulling hairs trying to understand why something was not working, only to find out that a contradicting setting was set in a file of higher priority?
Despair not, because we're here to help, with the definitive guide to settings priorities!
Monday 04 July 2011 02:17
by Gaetano Giunta | 0 comments
Apache is a highly modular software - and that's a great feature, that contrbuted a lot to its wild success! Some linux distributions however have a default installation of Apache with many, many modules enabled. maybe too much. We know that any unused module chews up valuable ram, is a possible target of attack for crackers and slows down the startup of the webserver by a few milliseconds.
So, what is the absolute minimum list of Apache modules that are needed to successfully run eZ Publish? Read on to find out...
Monday 09 May 2011 02:17
The theme of the italian php day this year is CMS, it just seems logical that the eZ Community will have a presence there.
Friday 04 March 2011 07:13
by Gaetano Giunta | 5 comments
This is a checklist of actions for an update of an eZ Publish website. Comments/contributions are welcome.
Tuesday 01 March 2011 06:16
by Gaetano Giunta | 6 comments
The amount of memory used by the application to render a single page is an important metric to be taken into account when sizing webservers to cope with the desired amount of traffic. In this installment, we explore memory usage by eZ Publish, in the context of a "webservice" page, ie. a page rendering a very simple piece of text in json format. We focus on an aspect outside control of the developer: php files with class definitions.
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Script start
Module start 'content'
Module end 'content'
Script end
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