Blogs / Nicolas Pastorino
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Tuesday 23 August 2011 02:44
by Nicolas Pastorino | 0 comments
Last time i put pen to paper was for the first part of this series of posts on leading a professional, vendor-led open-source community. I gave you my short, biased version of the open-source community management history, and started brushing-up what i consider as the basics of open-source Community Management. Please bear with me while i continue entertaining you with this part.Grab your mug, turn-up the volume of your favorite tune. Action.
Saturday 30 July 2011 02:56
Leading or Managing a professional, vendor-backed open-source community does not present the exact same characteristics as leading a community-driven project. While the basics remain, unique characteristics arise that need to be addressed diligently for successful results. Here is my 2 short cents on the subject.
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