Blogs / team / 2010 oct 27th - Meeting minutes

2010 oct 27th - Meeting minutes

Thursday 28 October 2010 1:12:29 pm

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By : Robin Muilwijk

Here are our bi-weekly meeting minutes, this time with a focus on migration of the old contributions listed on and upgrades to Fuji. Our previous meeting minutes can be found here.

Date : 2010, oct. 27th.
Participants : Carlos, Robin, Graham, Thiago, Alex, Nicolas
Where : skype


Prior action points : status + evolution

1/ Migrating the old contribs section

Migration to be run on Thurs, Oct 28th, see announcement : In the final post, we will list orphan contributions, and explain how one can claim ownership on migrated contributions.
Add a component in the issue tracker for reporting any issue related to this.
Robin : once the migration is over, try simple tasks like creating a project, and a few forum posts in it. This to make sure the operations are back to normal, and clears the way for the upgrade.

2/ Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4).

The bulk of it is globally working, a few points left to fix though, experienced by Graham when reproducing locally.
Timing : perform the actual upgrade in the week starting on Nov. 8th
Reason (Graham) : leaving enough time for gathering feedback on the old contribs migration.
Add a component in the community issue tracker for tracking issues related to this upgrade.

3/ : needs love and safeguarding

Gaetano took care of migrating this to the machine. A poll was published to get a feel of how people are actually using it.

4/ Cleaning-up

The pre-requisites for this are completing the old contribs migration + the upgrade to 4.4.

5/ Tutorial review process

It’s working fine. Two tutorials were reviewed, one of them already published, the other one coming up !

New topics

  • Graham upgraded to 4.4, congrats !
  • Job Board ?
  • Event planner. Should include corporate eZ events, and give the possibility to “register” or RSVP to an event.

Overflown from last time :

  • Upgrading to eZ 4.4
  • Moving translation process to using GIT
  • Access to Documentation : how to improve ? Need a discussion on “licensing” as well (see ezpedia)

Prioritized next steps

1/ Perform the old contribs migration
2/ Upgrade
3/ Participation model around the Community Project

Next time

Nov. 9th, 20:00 GMT +2 (Europe/Paris)

Blog Post Discussion

2010 oct 27th - Meeting minutes